Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Recent content by BMountaineer

  1. BMountaineer

    Any hockey fans out there?

    You knew it would be. Guess he got his justice.
  2. BMountaineer


    A very powerful feeling comes over you when you realize the gravity of what happened there. Same feeling I got visiting Shanksville soon after 9/11.
  3. BMountaineer

    Early Morning Gobbler

    Took out the headlight? And you with all those terrific artillery pieces.
  4. BMountaineer

    Any hockey fans out there?

    Avs struggled all year against the Jets. But the Avs talent is just unreal and I sure wouldn't bet against them...... Unless goaltending matters.....:unsure::unsure:
  5. BMountaineer


    Same here. Take solace in the fact that beef is cheaper these days than elk, all in.....truth be told.... :)
  6. BMountaineer

    Wool hunting clothing

    For hunting in moderate to cold temps, these new synthetics in layers have the edge for MT hunting. Colder than that, same gear, just better base layer. But in near or sub-zero conditions, especially when snowblowing for an hour or 2, or icefishing all day, I'm mostly choosing good wool...
  7. BMountaineer

    Group Pulls Bear Cubs Off Tree to Take Pictures With Them

    In a mythical world I would run, those people would be required to pay the costs of upkeep of that cub until it can be successfully released to the wild.
  8. BMountaineer

    Pick a state to become a resident ...

    Think about it....with people comes all the issues that cause problems in this country. I'd way sooner deal with wicked weather than deal with humans. That's the best state.
  9. BMountaineer

    NFL Draft Predictions - a pointless game, but at least it has a $$ prize for the winner

    How anyone can see any value in the NFL is beyond my ability to understand. Could be the concussions from my 338 Winmag, I suppose....:unsure:
  10. BMountaineer

    Hello from Eastern Kentucky

    Welcome aboard. Lots of great history in growing this country using the traditional Kentucky long rifles & black powder.
  11. BMountaineer

    Buying binos sucks

    I assume they're still making Steiners. Couldn't swing that other "S" brand when I was younger. But it's 20 years later, and I can afford them now.....but no need. Am happy with German engineering.
  12. BMountaineer

    Gophers Are Out

    Nice head shot. That's all that was sticking up out of the hole? I remember Ellie Mae Clampett used to shoot flies just before they landed on the wall....with her muzzleloader. Same skill in your case:)
  13. BMountaineer

    Catching 2nd Wind, from SW Montana

    Decided to register here finally. Resident of MT for last 21 years. Along the way, got the Mrs into hunting, and she has pretty much eclipsed my success......! Last few years I've been a little grumpy about the hunt pressure, wildlife declines, public land issues - to where I thought about...