Recent content by Bigbuckkiller

  1. Bigbuckkiller

    My 2013-14 season

    Hmm seems like most of my pictures didn't upload.
  2. Bigbuckkiller

    My 2013-14 season

    Well this year has been the worst as for harvesting animals for me. I've seen plenty of amazing places and had new experiences which is what it's all about. I held two elk tags and went to Missouri to chase whitetails and turkey's and just so happens that it was a full moon while I'm out there...
  3. Bigbuckkiller

    The B.A.D.A.S.S is underway

    I haven't got an email either! Ahhh I would love a new bow!!
  4. Bigbuckkiller

    School Paper.... Again

    Well since it worked really well last time I decided I would try it again. I have to write another story for my school news paper. This time I have to write about the whole situation with North Korea.. If you would be willing to answer a few questions about them please PM me... Thanks!
  5. Bigbuckkiller

    Successful 2012 DIY WY Antelope Video

    Awesome! The only thing that I would say is maybe cut the music off right before the shot... Thanks for a good watch though!
  6. Bigbuckkiller

    Elk Recipes

    Hi all.. With a nice cow on the ground and meat in the frezzer i need some new recipes.. Any recipes are helpful.. Im willing to try new stuff.. Thanks..
  7. Bigbuckkiller

    School Paper

    Hi I'm writing a story for my school newspaper.. If anyone would be willing to answer a few questions please PM me. I would prefer somebody with 10+ years hunting. Thank You.
  8. Bigbuckkiller

    Finnaly got one...

    They where pretty good until my big dumb dog found them on my night stand.....:(
  9. Bigbuckkiller

    Finnaly got one...

    Drove on to some some public up on the Grand Mesa and spotted this girl. Made a short stalk and took the shot at 250 yrds and hit a tad low and a tad far back but as she was quartering away and was up hill it turned out to be a good shot.. Got to about a 100 yrds and saw her looking at me.... I...
  10. Bigbuckkiller

    2nd Day of Late Season

    Today was a terrible day.. We got into 0 Elk:( My little Brother is a little down since we have to head back to Junction tomarrow. Im hoping we might catch a couple cows on public as we make the drive home ( I have a few spots to hit;) ) We still have a few areas we can hunt until the end of...
  11. Bigbuckkiller

    Pretty Cool Video
  12. Bigbuckkiller

    Mountain Lion Scream

    Oh haha i see now sorry guys... I get it. I was a little confused but now i got it
  13. Bigbuckkiller

    Mountain Lion Scream

    Im sorry I'm 15 and never heard a mountain lion nor am i a mountain lion expert.. We where out and we heard something and my uncle said it was a mountain lion it was a wierd noise and far off and I didnt know what a mountain lion sounds like and still dont i guess.. Im sorry that I posted this I...
  14. Bigbuckkiller

    Mountain Lion Scream

    Well then my Uncle lied to me
  15. Bigbuckkiller

    Mountain Lion Scream

    Was out about a week ago and I heard a Mountain Lion for the 1st time..... I have to say that is the most creepy noise I have ever heard it made the hair on my neck stand up.. For you guys what is the most creepy noise you have heard out of an animal?