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YouTube Pronghorn Scoring Overview - Looking for more ideas

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Since I probably have more pronghorn hunts on film than any TV show out there, I am trying to figure out a coherent way to use those mountains of footage as an informational tool on our YouTube channel. I'm interested in what all of you might want to see in the next video we try to build from all of that pronghorn footage.

In editing this one, we scanned a lot of emails to see that many pronghorn questions were about scores/judging. So, we did this in about ten minutes as a way to start the conversation. Take it for what it is, a rough start to a pronghorn series we want to develop. This video is not intended to be an instructional scoring video, rather to give a general idea of how the process works and applying it to some real world examples.


With that back ground, we have these ideas of pronghorn videos and I would like to know what you would want added to the list.

  • Application strategy for tags - Opportunity v. quality (this will not list any specific units)
  • Tactics - archery and rifle
  • Biology/habits/habitat selection
  • Rifles/calibers/bullets/shooting practice for pronghorn

We already did a field care video on pronghorn. Cooking is always on the list, but given I'm a marginal talent at the grille, it seems best to let others do videos on cooking.

Thanks for any thoughts and suggestions you might have for more ideas.
I like natural history and biology and I think the more you know, the better hunter you can become. So how about a Antelope Biology 101: Social behavior, Rut characteristics, preferred feed/habitat, conservation status and history, unique and special characteristics of the species, scent glands and marking.
Hey Randy, seeing the same error as Oak posted the other day: "Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner"


Thanks. Our default is set to allow embedding. Something is going on with a few of these videos and I need to figure out what it is. Appreciate you telling me. Sorry for the headaches it causes viewers .... and me.
Hey Randy, Isn't that buck with the real good mass that nobody would ever pass up, the one you passed up the first time? Can't get enough antelope episodes so keep them coming, the more the merrier IMO. Maybe more info on why no antelope is impossible to sneak on despite some who use the tired old excuse " it was flat as a table top out there". We both know with a little patience, use of the terrain which is seldom flat as a table top, willingness to belly crawl or sneak in the dark, or walk five miles when the antelope are only a mile away, there's no antelope that can't be killed.
Interesting. Looks like I've been shorting my measurements a little bit on the prong. I've never gone back to the middle of the back of the horn on that measurement, just started on the side like from a profile view. Probably only 1/4" to 3/8" difference but add that on each side and that adds up a little bit.

Learn something new everyday!
Hey Randy, Isn't that buck with the real good mass that nobody would ever pass up, the one you passed up the first time?

Yes, as just before we saw him the first time we were in "hot pursuit" of a buck I am sure was bigger, as hard as that is to imagine. But, when that bigger buck got through the fence where we could not hunt, it was an easy decision to go back and look for this guy.
Since I probably have more pronghorn hunts on film than any TV show out there, I am trying to figure out a coherent way to use those mountains of footage as an informational tool on our YouTube channel. I'm interested in what all of you might want to see in the next video we try to build from all of that pronghorn footage

Thanks for any thoughts and suggestions you might have for more ideas.

Archery Pronghorn opportunities in New Mexico.

I've watched shows you've done and read a bunch, but I still don't think I've got a good handle on the access issues involved. Whether you can only hunt public, or on ranches. Are the rules different in various units/hunt codes? The landowner voucher thing muddies the water as well.
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