Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

YouTube - Fresh Tracks Season 2 is live

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
We are making some progress on YouTube. With the loading of Season 2 of Fresh Tracks, we only have one more season of prior episodes and we will have them all live. After that, it will be all fresh content you've nver seen before. Working hard to get stuff you might find useful and compelling.

Click on the image below and it will take you the Fresh Tracks Season 2 playlist.



Thanks for watching. If you have not yet done so, please subscribe to our channel (it's free). Sharing with your hunting friends helps all of us.
I'm about 5 episodes in for Season 2. I should be studying, but this is more fun. Thanks Randy.
Thanks Randy. Hunting videos are the only things getting me through the off season (and election season). I watch this and solo hunter. If anybody has any other suggestions for good hunting shows for online streaming I'm all ears/eyes.
Now my wife is going to be pissed! Vacation started yesterday afternoon. Wife's plans for the next couple days just turned into "Plan B's". I now have other priorities! :)

Also, I love the photo that you used of you guys resting and about to start packing out the freshly skinned elk! If that doesn't get your blood pumping and primed for elk season, nothing will!
Spotted it yesterday and working on the last episode this morning. Of course, now I'm addicted and ...