Caribou Gear

Your own double rifle

Bush Baby

New member
Jul 1, 2001
South Africa
OK here’s the thing, when I win the lottery, one of the things I’m going to do is buy a game ranch, and the second is buy you a double rifle of your choice.
Because I like you so much I’m also going to offer you a free 12 animal hunt (for non dangerous game) on my ranch. But you can only use your new double rifle.

Now there is an old Blesbok ram and an aggressive Ostrich which run together and stay out in an open area of the ranch, but careful stalking will get you to within 150 yards of them – I want both of them taken off.
Also there’s a barren Eland cow that hides in the thick bush by the dam, and two Duikers that eat my vegetables at the house, I want them taken off too – as I have fattened up these tiny Duikers, I want to eat them - don’t make mincemeat of them please. The rest of the game you take is up to you.

What calibre AND LOAD would you like your double chambered and regulated for, you can pick anything you like (except the .375 H+H or .378 Weath.) – even dream wildcats?

Oh by the way we have a lone and troublesome lioness on the ranch as well – who will not come to a bait, I will try to hunt her on foot in the mean time, but if she’s still here when you arrive, you can have her too – you’ll have back up!!

Bush baby
Hey BB glad to hear about that lotto win,make mine a double in 9.3 x62 and tell that old ***** lioness to keep her head down as i`ll be looking hard for her.Where are you from in SA ? and any chance of a few pic`s for us guys on this forum.