NEW SITKA Ambient 75

WTB - Wyoming hunting gps maps.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Lubbock, Texas
Title pretty much says it all. If you have a chip or computer download sitting around unused I'm looking to buy one.

It costs $20 - $40 to update them so I was thinking if someone had one a few years old they might want to sell theirs and just buy a new one depending on what version you have.

If anyone knows where you can get these at a discount I would be interested in that as well. Seems like the going price is $100 for the chip and $120 for the download pretty much everywhere.

Just reply here or shoot me a PM or email.

Thanks, Nathan
Once you register with a chip or download you only get two registered gps units per purchase. Just something to think about.
Once you register with a chip or download you only get two registered gps units per purchase. Just something to think about.

I don't know about the download, but you can use the chip in any compatible GPS you want to. I didn't have to specify a GPS unit when I registered mine.

I have a Garmin 62S. This year I only drew in Wyoming and I really need the chip just for the antelope area as where I hunt elk is all national forest so I don't really need it there.

I've hunted New Mexico a few times where it would have been useful and I'm applying in pretty much every western state so eventually I may need a few more.

I got a few PM's and emails about using and making my own maps and I'm looking into that a bit more. I'm a sucker for free stuff.