Utah wants to disarm forest service and BLM


Thoughts? To me this is just as ridiculous and stupid as the rest of the stuff that comes out of Utah.

Thoughts. First class ass clown that is a hypocrite of the highest degree. Why does he think a local sheriff can be armed but a BLM or USFS law enforcement official cannot be armed. What next, make the FBI and DEA do their work unarmed.

Chaffetz makes a monthly habit of self-identifying as an occupant of a low rung on the information ladder and staking claim to the top rung of the hypocrisy ladder.
Just another example of a politician out of touch with reality and looking to bolster his side of the state vs. federal land ownership debate.

In this country, on the spot law enforcement is done by an armed officer for very real reasons. I doubt the local sheriff dept wants to be fully responsible for enforcing the laws in place for off road travel, camping restrictions, etc. and having to remain fully educated and up to date on the rules/laws specific to BLM and FS land.
this would be funny if it wasn't so sad. I have a feeling if I asked Chaffetz to explain to me what kind of weapons his security staff has when he is going public speaking I probably wouldn't get a answer either.
Even more hypocritical.... The last Utah game warden I ran into had 2 handguns, an assault rifle, and a short barrel shotgun. Maybe they should be disarmed and have to go through the county sheriff. This is just another blatant attack on federal land managment.
To anyone who may want to contact his office in regards to this, here's his number:

(202) 225-7751

These are all our public lands, and I expect law enforcement able to do their job while keeping themselves safe enforcing the laws on them.
I am sure Utah has some nice folks and some decent leaders. Based on this news story, though, and the screw job of RMEF's convention proposal...Utah is becoming the laughing stock of America. Oh, do not forget the Bundy clan and their armed antics that put so many in danger has Utah connections. Smelled like FLDS. Quacked like FLDS. Claims they are not FLDS. Looney tunes for sure.
He must be buds with the Piute sheriff that got mad him and his daddy couldn't get grazing permits anymore. Maybe he wants them disarmed so the sheriff can make good on his arrest threats.

Maybe this feller adheres to the same kookiness as the Fiore chick from NV?
Anybody believe this will feed the federal transfer ideal. If he gets this his next argument will be that the Utah counties a footing the bill to cover these areas so the counties should have ownership? Everyday I am glad I moved away from Utah.
This is a great point. While I completely disagreed with sheriffs enforcing conservation law enforcement on public lands (which I doubt they would even do, even if they were paid for it), it makes more sense to have state conservation agencies do it since they are familiar with at least some of the laws. Power and land grab attempts at every turn in Utah. I am still relatively new to the state and am never left without compete shock at what is going on here.
I think it's a great idea. When I'm trespassing my cows on BLM ground, the last thing I want to hassle with is an armed BLM goon telling me I have to get my cows off.

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