Unit Boundary Question


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2020
NC / UT / WY
Does anyone know what the rules are as it relates to hunting near unit boundaries? I’ve got a UT deer tag in a pretty large unit, and a cow elk tag that is only good for a portion of that unit. The cow elk unit boundary runs out a ridge line where I’ve scouted a couple of promising spots to hunt. So my question is do both myself and the animal have to be inside the unit boundary for a legal inbounds harvest? Or just one or the other? And say I shoot the animal legally inbounds for that unit and then he crosses into the other unit. Is it legal for me to recover the animal there if my tag is not good for that unit? This is all on public land.
I would say anything besides you and the animal in the correct unit isa no go. I would treat it like a private property line. If you shoot it on the correct side and it dies on the other the right thing to do would be to contact the game warden like a property owner. May not be law buts that’s what I would do