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Tags that are sought after because the Hunt itself is Hard. Mindset Question


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
I'm trying to explain(to myself as much anything) the allure of a hard to draw tag, in a unit that really doesn't have a lot of deer.

I'm talking about like OTC Archery in AZ.

Folks who have been in this situation, what mindset gets you through your hunts when you aren't seeing deer? What keeps you from saying "there is easier to draw tags where I'd see more animals"?

Where do you find those "little wins" to get you through the hunt and keep a positive mindset?
I go into that kind of thing with the mindset "This is going to be hard, and I likely won't succeed, but if I put in the time and get lucky the payoff may be the biggest buck/Bull I will ever get the opportunity at"

I also seem to have a thing for hunting terrible tags just to see if I can buck the odds and find an animal, there is some satisfaction to getting anything on <5% odds of success tags consistently, and it makes everything else feel easy...