Caribou Gear

Podcast 24


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
glendive, MT
I Just wanted to say that this is the best podcasts that I have heard. it amazes me how the discussion around food can break down barriers between all outdoorsy type people, Be it hunting fishing or gathering food. It is relevant to know that each of us have lines but that those lines have the ability to move. In the political world we live in and the threats to our way of life it is certainly OK to have our own lines, but we need to slow down a little and not be so quick to put everyone else in a box just for having different opinions than we do. Keep up the good work Randy. Would enjoy more podcasts on this discussion.
I really enjoyed the discussion. Thanks to Hank and JR for their time and perspectives.
I was just thinking this morning that it was past time you had a hunttalker on there.

I enjoyed the listen.
Excellent podcast. It was great to have JR and Hank discuss things with you Randy.

I enjoyed the discussion of personal lines - both species and technique based. Thinking of my own species-based lines I think it would definitely be drawn on primates.

Even though they are personal and differ among hunters, I don't think we can simply accept them as some sort of relativism respective to the individual. I think these species and technique-based lines are so important because: we create laws from them and therefore affect our hunting, they affect the resource which also affects hunting opportunity, and they influence how non-hunters view the act of hunting, which may be crux of the future of hunting. I think that's one of the reasons people are so passionate about em.
Another great podcast. It's refreshing to know that there are still hunters in the huge urban areas of California. I hope that more and more people join the hunting community because of food based interests. The more hunters we have, the more protection our hunting rights have.
Thanks for having me on Randy, hopefully my thoughts were coherent enough for everyone to follow along. Looking forward to the next one....maybe you could cross the public land hog hunt in CA off the whiteboard at some point (probably needs to make the whiteboard first). CA is beautiful in Feb/Mar.
Really good stuff gentlemen. Provided a welcomed distraction from the cold I brought home from my weekend in Missoula. Hanging with that group is hard on your immune system.
My favorite discussion so far! Excellent!
Brought back memories of buckets of SLO,CA Chantrells from our place, traded for meals at restaurants. Chantrell & crab enchiladas or taking them to SF & 4- 5G buckets paying for the weekend getaway. Salmon & Ling Cod cheeks!

Riding my bike at night down to the latest crop of Avo's or other fruit hanging in the streets of Pasadena when I was a kid,which led to the 1st buck in the hills behind.

The dry cured Mtn. Lion prochutto ham that Papa Joe Guidetti would make from the cats he killed on his cattle ranch,before CA became too PC. Hunting rights in exchange for ranch work.

I give the elk heart & livers to Cowboy Jack now, and that gave me access to another ranch .
Never did acquire a taste for "innards",but I save every hide I can.
Wild Raspberry spots held in deeper secret now than where the post rut bulls are.......
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Loved the podcast, saving this one for future listening. Also, Hank thanks for the add to the Hunt, Gather, Cook group on Facebook, I have been spending the past week scrolling through looking for new ideas. I have also seen a lot of people who joined because of the podcast. Maybe some of those who don't hunt will be tempted to try some of the venison recipes and get the conversation going about what hunting is really about!
I'm an old fart who found the internet a bit more useful than I used too.
Didn't know how to turn a 'puter on let alone use one 10 yrs ago.
I am an avid reader and always looking for new sources of info to make logical conclusions.
Have to watch What I say in comments,but it's better I'm not there in person to reply.......:eek:

Welcome to HT!
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Spent a little time this week enjoying the benefits our landscapes provide and getting a couple of different uses from the stripers we caught. After eating the fillets, I made a fish stock that I used in an asian-ish style soup with ground elk, noodles, ginger, cilantro and jalapenos. Not your typical "surf and turf", but still delicious.

Now that's just cruel to post that tummy is growling now......
I remember the Striper & shad runs ,along with the Salmon & Steelhead...Cherrystone clams on the MB sandspit.