Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

OYOA The First Season and Special Editon


New member
Sep 13, 2009
I have ventured onto sites like this, but Hunt Talk is the first of it's kind that I have ever joined. I am ready to give up my social networking virginity to voice my support for this type of hunting show.

I have had the pleasure of viewing most episodes of this new show OYOA. They were all very well done and one of the most enjoyable hunting shows on TV. The whole series is a superior production that is tastefully done with high quality scenery and stories. The characters do not have big egos as some other shows do. It is real hunting, by real hunters and they show the missed shots. I am curious what the characters do for their jobs.

My favorite episode was the recently shown Nevada longbow mule deer. Hunting TV should be about the hunt and not so much emphasis put on the kill. This episode captured that. This was a classy production where both characters truly were there for the thrill of the hunt. They humbly told of the challenges they chose to undertake and exercised good ethics on their journey. The videographer(s) that filmed this Nevada hunt did an excellent job of capturing a real hunting tale in an awesome setting. I hope to see more of this type.

I have never seen a turkey hunt like the one that OYOA filmed and it is the best I have ever watched. I hope that their is more of these.

I enjoyed the spot and stock bear hunt more than the usual bear hunts where they use bait.

I hope that OYOA stays on the air and that there are more shows like it in the future. It will be much better for the future of hunting than some of the other choices in this category. I can really relate to this type of hunting.

What do you think?
I agree. That is what got me on this forum, although I don`t post a lot but I do read what everyone is posting. After watching OYOA, I was impressed. I didn`t think there would be, or could be a different type of hunting show on TV. This is right down my ally.
Great job and I enjoy the show and forum.
Welcome to HuntTalk. I've been around since the forum started, and there is a wealth of information and knowledge here. By all means, though - be sure to post your own hunting stories and photos. We love pictures!
I too do the on your own method of huntin, not everyone has a few thousand acres to go bad boy buggie in. I had some land in southern missouri, but the locals destroyed my little cabin and hunted my private land more than i did, so i went to public land, all you have to do is get out of site of the truck and you have lots of undisturbed huntin, i think the show should show the camp more, cooking utensils, cots, woodstoves, tents, lots of things, important to the comfort of the hunters, and who doesnt like a deer roast in a dutch oven, ron