No one at the helm of America's national parks

How about focusing on fixing a broken two party political system that continues to divide our country so our politicians can focus on long term problems like clean air, water, and energy. While we're at it maybe review congressional and senatorial terms and salary.
The first step in fixing a broken two party system is admitting that the majority of the general populace cannot see past their own party affiliation, as evidenced in this thread. Point out an issue, and in turn receive a strawman argument focusing on what someone else did during a previous administration.
Well said and I agree blind loyalty to political parties is out of control. I'm not defending the current administration handling of public lands I agree it's been poor at best. But the management of public lands is only one of many complex political issues a Administration has to deal with. I feel like if I step left or right I'll end up with crap on my boot so the best bet is to pick the smallest pile. For me that was the current Administration and it's looking like it will be again.
I'm on board like I said yesterday blind loyalty to political parties is out of control. But what's step 2? People don't seem that interested in planning for the future if it means sacrificing in the present.
I'm on board like I said yesterday blind loyalty to political parties is out of control. But what's step 2? People don't seem that interested in planning for the future if it means sacrificing in the present.
Get pissed off at your own party and start holding them accountable! Show up when they have a town hall meeting. Tell a Republican congressman that you want the Clean Water Act strengthen. Just like I've told my Democratic Senators that hunting is a very important and family oriented activity and that calling my grandfathers .308 an assault weapon isn't going to save any lives. If enough people show some backbone and stand up for common sense, start DEMANDING it of their representatives, maybe it'll change.

Shit man, let's start with just stopping the constant stream of whataboutisms

But at this point people would rather talk about where they can find a cow elk to shoot in January or which caliber makes an antelope the deadest.
Attacking the Strawman or initiating a Strawman argument... Hmmm.
Get over it.
Tight budgets?

Yeah, OK.

Perhaps the biggest question is why there should be a "tight budget" what, with how well this roaring economy is doing and all.

Its almost like someone cut revenue and increased spending or something of the sort?
Public lands would be short changed regardless of tax policy and the for the reasons I mentioned. It's just not a hot button issue for most people.
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