My 1st big game “hunt”

  • Thread starter Deleted member 52098
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Deleted member 52098

Well folks, today I finally go out there on my first big game “hunt”. Only I don’t own the tag, my neighbor does. An archery buck tag.

We left the house at 430 today and hit the trailhead by 450, hiking straight up for the first three miles. I can’t say I love hikes that start out as a death march, but the views are killer

For someone who has been dreaming of doing this for the past 15 years, I am extremely grateful that my neighbor entrusted me to tag along on his day. We’ve hiked through some of the tallest and thickets aspens I’ve seen in a while


We’ve seen a lot of muley sign, but nothing super fresh. We got to opening one and while it was beautiful, nothing fresh. Though clearly something was bedding here in the last two weeks or so

So we left this spot and headed up even further on another death March, approaching a saddle we though might prove useful. When we spotted a opening that looked promising. Nothing has showed up yet, but there is enough super fresh elk sign and a ton of stinky wallows to tell me they were here within a day if not today.

The hunt continues… but I have to say despite already tackling a ton of elevation and miles, I am hooked and can’t wait for my first time with the tag in my pocket.

Hopefully I’ll be checking Back in later with some successful pics and backstrap steaks!
Well the afternoon ended up being a bust as a random thunderstorm flushed us out and back home. But not before we scoped out this meadow for a few hours, marking a ton of sign, but nothing with a pulse.


I wish I had more fun updates for this hunt, but I have learned the following from my first real time out:

1. This shit is a lot harder than it looks. I KNEW that, and still it amazed me. Anyone who thinks it’s easy is hunting on a high fenced piece of land.

2. I’m a moron for waiting 15 years to get into this. I was worried about not having a mentor or anyone to go with, but since deciding to take the plunge people have come out of the woodwork to help out. Including some awesome HTers. Thanks to you folks - you know who you are.

3. I need to reevaluate my e scouting plan. And look into the areas with more details. Todays hunting location is a very similar topography to my upcoming tags and it’s clear I have some tweaking to do.

4. I’ve had high end backpacking packs for most of the ten years because of industry deals… my Exo Mtn Gear K3 pack is the most comfortable one I have ever had. Highly recommend in. Even added extra weight today to test it out.

5. As tired as I am… I can’t f%^*ing wait to go again! Counting down to CO 01R
Congrats on getting out and taking the first step towards your own hunting career! I’m looking forward to hearing more about your first season, especially when you have a tag in your pocket.
That sounds like a great idea in first step towards your own hunting career!


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