Memory Bends??? - Aluminum Tent Poles


Active member
Nov 18, 2015
Central Texas

I just bought a new Big Agnes tent (Tensleep Station 6), and it has aluminum poles. I used it for the first time on a two night car camping trip, and when I started breaking down the tent at the end of the trip I noticed it had a couple significant bends in the poles in the shape on the main arch of the tent. When I contacted Big Agnes I was told that "Memory bends are segments that are very slightly bent into the shape of the tent when it's set up. Memory bends make the structure stronger overall and don't necessarily need to be replaced." I've always had great luck with their customer service the rare times I've needed them so I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I've never heard of memory bends before and I have my doubts that they help make the structure stronger overall. (Why not just do pre-bent poles if it helps with structural integrity?) Does anyone else have experience with this or can speak to this? Many Thanks!!Tent Pole.jpg
I used a Marmot Limelite for backpacking trips for years. The aluminum poles got bends in them right away but they were never a problem. That tent still works great nearly 15 years later. Only reason I got a new tent was to get something lighter.
I appreciate you
Common with all tents with aluminum poles. Not a big deal.
I appreciate you putting my mind at ease. I've only had smaller tents with aluminum poles, and this didn't happen. My two larger tents are Academy specials with fiberglass poles. This is my first larger tent with aluminum poles.
Like copper, aluminum can be work hardened. Plastic deformation (permanent bending) strengthens the poles. Too much bending or cycling weakens them, so rotate the segments when you reassemble so the whole thing has the right arcing shape.

BA probably does not want to deal with folks having to align the bend shape of prebent poles.

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