Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Lower 48 grizzly tags


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2015
Just out of curiosity if a hunttalker draws one of the tags in Idaho, Wyoming, or Montana would The world famous Randy like to tag along and do a show? If so would anyone be interested in letting him if he wants to film it? I know I would love to have his expertise along.
I’m guessing by his lack of desire to put in for a grizzly tag that Randy would steer clear of it. I know if I drew, the hunt recap wouldn’t even end up on Hunt Talk.
I’m guessing by his lack of desire to put in for a grizzly tag that Randy would steer clear of it. I know if I drew, the hunt recap wouldn’t even end up on Hunt Talk.

Randy has stated he doesn't want to pursue a griz tag. I have also heard Rinella say the same thing. It has made me wonder, if they weren't "celebrities", would they feel differently? I think there are excellent reasons for "hunting personalities" to not draw attention to the griz hunts, it's just a curiosity.
I’m guessing by his lack of desire to put in for a grizzly tag that Randy would steer clear of it. I know if I drew, the hunt recap wouldn’t even end up on Hunt Talk.

Same here...in fact the story would be reserved for a short text to my trusted friends. Nobody wants the firestorm of hate that would result from a public story.
If I was a resident, I'd certainly apply. Bring on the "firestorm of hate". If we keep backing up, they'll push us off a cliff, eventually.
I guess I read Randy's view differently. I thought if I drew that tag I'd make it what he thought it should be. A wilderness fair chase hunt. Take the chance to make the hunt a positive thing. Make it a tougher hunt and be responsible for what that first tag is in the process. Make it a story of positive recovery and management success to include hunting. To put as positive view on it as you can. And if there is a man to help do that. I'd pick Randy and his crew.
Randy has stated he doesn't want to pursue a griz tag. I have also heard Rinella say the same thing. It has made me wonder, if they weren't "celebrities", would they feel differently? I think there are excellent reasons for "hunting personalities" to not draw attention to the griz hunts, it's just a curiosity.

I've shot one in Alaska. One/once satisfied the interest/intrigue. I know some who want dearly to have the experience and the manner in which they would hunt these bears would be reflective of the amazing opportunity it represents. I would way rather they have that opportunity than me.
if had cash to through my name in the hat i would maybe its me but i see it as a teaching informing the facts about grizzly population and recovery i know no matter wait there will be some hate