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Idaho Mule Deer, Unit 42, Juniper Mountain


New member
Jul 6, 2018
Hey all,

I just drew Unit 42 (Juniper Mountain) in Idaho out in the Owyhee's after 16 years of putting in for it.... FINALLY! I have been out to Juniper Mountain a fair amount and know the northern part of the unit pretty well. I've never explored the southern part of it near the Owyhee River and Nevada/Oregon border at all, but I have heard it is worth some time to check out and that people have seen some nice muley's out there.

I know that giving away hunting spots, tips, etc. is a no-go for some people and I totally understand. So, I'm not asking for anyone's hard earned hunting areas in the unit (although, I would GREATLY appreciate it if you shared). I just wanted to know of any good areas that may be worth checking out.

I am from Idaho, but live out of state right now. But, I plan on taking the entire time off work for the full length of the season (Nov. 1st - 24th).

If anyone is willing to share any information I'd greatly appreciate it. I've been waiting a long time to draw this tag and I'm hoping to get a good buck after it is all over. Thanks!
I was in that country on a sheep hunt a good while back. Access may have changed since then. It was slow going, as the “roads” were terrible down towards the canyon. Amazing country. I did find a big buck that was winter kill.
Good luck and post in the new member intro.
I have put in for 42 quite a few times, but never drew. Never stepped foot in the unit so wont comment on spots because i know none. All i'll say is don't be the guy who waits until the last week of the season to hunt. Those southern ID deer get rutty early. Ive seen bucks following and even mount a doe on October 24th.
Welcome to HT. Post up a picture of your last muley and I'll share with you what I learned on my son's 2016 hunt in this unit.
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