I just cant help myself!



I thought this was going to be a quiet weekend. fishing on friday to pass time maybe work sat and sunday because its quiet on the weekends.
But then I get a call at 3:30 from a buddy of mine wanting some tourneyment info for "SAT." I told him there's no tourneyments on sat. he said he heard there was. Well I'll be damn there is. so now instead of having a quiet weekend I going fishing. but there lied a problem he had a partner and I didnt so after whinning to his son about not haveing a partner he said he would fish.
granted most tournaments with pro's in it are going to be a pain in the a-ss but I just cant help myself. Now theres and added twist to this tournament. If I place I only have to fish 2 more tounaments to qualify for the american bass classics. Which would be cool just to win a big one let alone goto the classic.

Any of you guys ever have this problem? I think it stems from just loving to fish. You know any excuss will have you fishing no matter what.

I say go for it! I am a outdoor nut and we don't have much open water here and the ice is too weak so what do you do? Now I am off work for two weeks for my shoulder and was hoping to get a little fishing in but now we got 3 inches of snow and sleet last night. Just when the ice was almost gone,WHAM, we get it again.After I get back from the Topeka Gun Show tomorrow I think I will wet a line at the outlet. Good luck to ya!
Gee what a delima,work or go fishing and might make some money doing it.I hope your there right now slaying the monsters and winning some cash.I sure wish I could be on the lake or river this weekend.The weather is perfect.

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