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Floorless shelter in lower country


Aug 5, 2018
Central Oklahoma
I'm considering getting a DST tarp and some poles for my archery WY muley hunt this year... Main reason in getting one is to have a way to get out of the sun when glassing or not being confined to the tent during extended precipitation. It keeps crossing my mind as a quick, easy, and light shelter to use on a night or two. Every night I've spent in the sage country was at or near freezing temps so bugs were never an issue. In my mind, it really isn't mosquito territory. A thermacell would always be an option to help combat bugs, if they were a problem.

Are mosquitos even a concern in the high desert type areas? Do any of you run floorless shelters while not in the mountains?

My other option is pick up a Big Agnes Copper Spur UL1 for a pack in option.
I've gotten destroyed by mosquitoes in sagebrush ecosystems here, at least on the west side of the state. It really depends on the moisture year. Not bad by August though.
Agree with snowy bugs can present themselves in lots of different areas... you might want to consider something like the MSR hubba hubba, I just run mine with the fly, poles, and ground cloth most of the time but have the option of the full tent if needed.
I've gotten destroyed by mosquitoes in sagebrush ecosystems here, at least on the west side of the state. It really depends on the moisture year. Not bad by August though.
I've lived that experience! Was a very big surprise how many mosquitos there can be in sagebrush country. That said, after the first frost they all but are gone. So depending on your season dates and elevation could happen before your hunt. For use in a shelter, I think a thermacell would be good insurance if you didn't want to go with a nest.
Are mosquitos even a concern in the high desert type areas?

I've gotten lit up by mosquitos before in the high desert sage. Also, surprisingly, ticks are a big deal as well. A few weeks ago, went out shed hunting on some winter range and between the dog, kids, wife, and myself 4 ticks made the car ride home with us.

I will say that it seems to be mostly a spring time issue though.
I pulled the trigger on a Seek Outside DST today, will definitely use it for shade this trip and still maybe more. I can't do ticks though. I think I could handle a little ground to air warfare with a stray mosquito or two, but ticks tracking me down while I sleep is no bueno. We've had tons of rain here so when my DST shows up I may set it up in a tight pitch, use the thermacell, and try it one night against our swath of mosquitoes.

I've gotten destroyed by mosquitoes in sagebrush ecosystems here, at least on the west side of the state. It really depends on the moisture year. Not bad by August though.

My hunt will be the first week of September. I assumed there wouldn't be much ground water for mosquitoes during this time of year, but sounds like I need to plan on an alternative, just in case.
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You could always get a nest from bearpaw if you wanted to.

After reading about their nests, I'm looking for other options. Ive seen multiple threads on other forums about the terrible quality of them. Crooked seams, bad tape jobs and such... I'm still on the search for a nest that isn't outrageous priced but is quality!
After reading about their nests, I'm looking for other options. Ive seen multiple threads on other forums about the terrible quality of them. Crooked seams, bad tape jobs and such... I'm still on the search for a nest that isn't outrageous priced but is quality!

Have you given any thought about making one yourself?
Mosquitoes don't bother me much, but eat my wife alive. Ticks don't bother her much, but eat me alive. Go figure.

Borah gear makes a bug bivy from noseeum mesh that isn't bad quality and isn't crazy expensive.
Where and when in WY are you going to be hunting? I hunt between 7500' and 9000' the first couple weeks of September and I don't remember having much of a moisture/mosquito problem.
Mosquitoes don't bother me much, but eat my wife alive. Ticks don't bother her much, but eat me alive. Go figure.

Borah gear makes a bug bivy from noseeum mesh that isn't bad quality and isn't crazy expensive.
There is some research re: blood types that are more attractive to ticks, mosquitoes, and other biting insects. While not entirely opposite, at first glance it appears the most highly preferred blood types for each are different anyway. I imagine it could differ by species of skeeter and tick though. I am in the "loved by mosquitoes/rarely bothered by ticks" category myself.
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Where and when in WY are you going to be hunting? I hunt between 7500' and 9000' the first couple weeks of September and I don't remember having much of a moisture/mosquito problem.

I'll be a lot lower than that. I'll be around 4000-5500', sagebrush country. I feel like it'll be dry enough that they shouldn't be a huge problem, but mosquitoes hiding in vegetation always surprise me!
There is some research re: blood types that are more attractive to ticks, mosquitoes, and other biting insects. While not entirely opposite, at first glance it appears the most highly preferred blood types for each are different anyway. I imagine it could differ by species of skeeter and tick though. I am in the "loved by mosquitoes/rarely bothered by ticks" category myself.

Interesting. I must be the equivalent blood type of prime rib to mosquitoes.