Episode #3 - New Mexico Pronghorn

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Time flies when you’re having fun. Already up to Episode #3 New Mexico Pronghorn.

Episode #3 is probably a true “Big Fin” episode. I say that, as I am a pronghorn junkie to the highest degree. Just something about this uniquely American animal, the habitats they live in, and their behavior, that makes me wish I could hunt them every day.

If you go to the TV page of the website, you will get a better account of the hunt, and how it unfolded. And to get the real details of everything, here is a link to the Hunt Talk thread, when I posted the day-by-day story of the hunt.

Click here for the New Mexico Pronghorn Hunt Talk Story.

I am not one to brag and carry on about a product, unless it really works. When you see the teaser, you will see us hiding behind a Moo Cow decoy, from Montana Decoy Company, or “Bessy,” as we call her (It really is a “her”). Imagine me, Uncle Larry, and two camera guys behind that one decoy, getting within slingshot range of record book antelope, by hiding behind “Bessy.” Yup, it worked that good.

If you hunt anywhere that Black Angus cows are common, this will work. I have since used it on whitetail deer and mule deer, with the same results. Using them as a pair works even better than one, but I am saving that trick for this year, when IdahoBugler and I head to New Mexico with our bows, trying to arrow another pronghorn.

The feedback from all of you, from other viewers, and the networks has been tremendous. When you try to navigate a trail no one else has followed, you always wonder if your planning was correct, or if it would be the old “Swing and a miss.” So far, we are on course.

For those of you who send emails, I ask for your patience, as it takes me a long time to respond to hundreds of emails every Monday morning. But, I respond to every one of them, myself. Least I can do for those of you who are supporting us, and our sponsors.

Hope you enjoy this episode. If you are a pronghorn hunter, or dream of someday hunting pronghorn, I think this one will get you excited.

Outdoor Channel airtimes are:

Fridays - 11:30 am and 10:00 pm
Sundays - 3:00 pm
(all times Mountain time)
My son and I will be watching as this is his #1 Hunt on his list. I can't wait until he is out of College and working where we can make some "Serious" hunting trips before I get to old. John
Well, I will be watching this one from some place in Vegas. Wife and I leave in a few minutes for a few days with her parents, and mostly trying to stay someplace cool.

'Spose any casino sportsbook will let me turn the channel to the show? If not, any of you guys know of a place in Vegas that might not scream and yell if a guy decided to ask for a hunting show to play on one of the tubes?

Hope you guys like this episode. It was so much fun.

And, it hopefully answers questions about the crazy way New Mexico allocates/assigns hunting of antelope, when hunters draw a public antelope tag. It is the only state I know of, where you are assigned a ranch, and hunt with the guys using landowner tags.
"If not, any of you guys know of a place in Vegas that might not scream and yell if a guy decided to ask for a hunting show to play on one of the tubes?"

since I always try to help a guy out there Fin, maybe try the "chicken ranch"?:eek::D

you know someone else was thinking it.
That show made me think of the big antelope I was stalking last year. Got around him, just needed to clear a ridge and he would have been in range. Then I heard the shot. A couple guys taking about a 400 yard shot from the road after they saw me stalking him. I got over the ridge and he was a long ways away. The hunters left the area by the time I got back to were I could go talk with them. Still got a small one, but definitely put a bad taste on my first antelope hunt.
Very good show and definitely true to life.
Great show! Did you guys stay or eat at the Eagle's Nest (or is it Rest?) in Datil? (It's pronounced Da - like "dad" - till.) It looks like you were fairly close to the Tolleson Ranch/RMEF ranch? We stayed at the motel in Datil on trips for 3 or 4 years while hunting elk in the area. While driving to the mountains, we passed lots and lots of antelope. My buddy Jorge's brother used to live there, so he knew the area well.
Great show again, Pretty neat seeing an area I just drove through a couple of weeks ago.

Congrats on a nice great buck!!!!
Randy,you should of warned hunters not to use the cow decoy in Texas in areas that Tom hunts in.At least not a bull decoy.Great show and I would be doing a little dance after I shot one like that.Keep up the good work.

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