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Elk calves struggling in SW CO per Denver Post


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2016
Canon City and South Park CO

Elk calves in southwest Colorado are struggling. Here’s how wildlife officials aim to reverse herd decline​

Elk herd in Colorado. (Photo by Wayne D. Lewis/Provided by Colorado Parks and Wildlife)

Colorado wildlife managers are mobilizing to reverse a decline of elk in the southwestern quarter of the state by controlling hunting and protecting wild habitats.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife crews also are launching an unprecedented statewide elk monitoring program. They’ll round up “several hundred” elk and fit them with global positioning satellite collars

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Wait a minute. I thought elk are overpopulated in Colorado and therefore we need wolves immediately to help thin them out...
Its so they can see how fast the wolves will kill them...
NF shut downs during calving.... I thought creating a "shed" season would ease pressure on calving?
I think the shed season is more for winter range protection. CPW doesn't have the authority to regulate other users so they are a bit limited on what they can do. Time for some enforced closures in calving areas for all user groups.
How about we introduce wolves? That will definitely help the ailing elk herd. According to the “experts” wolves can solve any wildlife issue, they only eat the sick and ailing elk anyways.
This article hit home for me. I have a good friend that lives near Bayfield and the last 2 years he has told me to hunt elsewhere. He has lived there entire life and he hasn't killed a bull in 4 years. He knows the area better than prob most anybody and the elk are just not there in any numbers. He actually brought up the lack of calves to me couple years ago. He has talked to biologist and nobody has a clue. I have hunted there and it definitely was a really good place to hunt even for NR like myself. Its stuff like this that makes you wonder WTH is going on. Its not predation, its prob some sort of environmental factor. He spends more time in back country than anybody and has not seen any sign of predation from cat or wolf. When he tells me how concerned he is about the total herd health, you can hear it in his voice.
Could it be the fact that there are twice nearly 3 times more Black Bears than the population objective? Bears are hard on fawns and claves. Last I heard the Study on Targeted Predator removal was still in the courts, but the study showed that targeted predator removal just prior to and through the calving season makes a huge difference…
I saw a calf at 11k feet this September that was still super dark brown and had its spots. Little bugger was licking the milk from its lips. First calf I had seen in that area in some time and unfortunately i wonder if it was born too late to even survive the winter.
I tried to read the article but it keeps redirecting me to one that says Denver wants a woman for Governor and more dope
Like most wildlife issues, there are likely a number of factors feeding into this debacle. Recreation is certainly one, invasive species and vegetation change, loss of winter range, collisions on roadways, predators, lack of habitat enhancement, etc. Wolves are a cure all, so I assume they'll help...
Could it be the fact that there are twice nearly 3 times more Black Bears than the population objective? Bears are hard on fawns and claves. Last I heard the Study on Targeted Predator removal was still in the courts, but the study showed that targeted predator removal just prior to and through the calving season makes a huge difference…
Great point. Good thing Colorado got rid of spring bear season too. Crazy part is some Colorado hunters supported that ballot initiative. More than likely it is a multi-faceted issue but the explosion of black bear population is probably a fair part of it.
I think the shed season is more for winter range protection. CPW doesn't have the authority to regulate other users so they are a bit limited on what they can do. Time for some enforced closures in calving areas for all user groups.
My comment was full of sarcasm, sorry. Mostly tongue in cheeck.
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