NEW SITKA Ambient 75

do you hunt public land?

Feb 11, 2001
ontario canada
hey guys while I do prefer to hunt private land sometimes this can't be done due to one reason or another....or sometimes I just like to give it a shot ...but never on opening day as it is just a mad house up here anyway!!here is a bird that I was fortunate enough to harvest on public land up here in Canada...those who have access to undisturbed public land should count there blessings....and give me a call....hehehe
CTH, I hunt alot of public land. There is one thing to be said about public land birds....They are a real trophy no matter the size of the beard. They can get real smart being chased so much. Some times the fight w/ the other hunters is just not worth it. Other times I can go out and not see anyone else.
Public land is hard to come by in my part of Texas. Most of the Corps of Engineer lakes allow public hunting in the flood plains around Corps lakes and some excellent hunting can be had, if you can figure out how to access it. I have killed some nice birds around a lake close to me and also had the scariest experience,involving another turkey hunter, around the lake. If I had easy access to large tracts of public land, I would love the challenge of finding some birds back away from the pressured areas and going after them. SR