Colorado Parks and Wildlife Wolf Planning Meeting

I'd like for the first 100+ of them to be dumped in the area Comm Marie Haskett outfits in.
86% of MN residents want the same or more wolves?
This doesn't surprise me at all and I believe it would even be directionally accurate across most of the US.

Imagine the survey question:

"Do you believe there should be ______ Wolves?"
1. More
2. Same
3. Less

If you sum up #1 and #2, 86% seems accurate with no other context. The average citizen likes wildlife.

Even if every licensed hunter in MN said 'Less' - that's still less than 10% of the state's population.

Thanks for posting the link. Need to find time to listen/watch.
This doesn't surprise me at all and I believe it would even be directionally accurate across most of the US.

Imagine the survey question:

"Do you believe there should be ______ Wolves?"
1. More
2. Same
3. Less

If you sum up #1 and #2, 86% seems accurate with no other context. The average citizen likes wildlife.

Even if every licensed hunter in MN said 'Less' - that's still less than 10% of the state's population.

Thanks for posting the link. Need to find time to listen/watch.
My college statistics class professor claimed he could get any outcome you wanted, just have to know how to know how to pose the question and control the variables(answers).

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