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Charges filed wildlife scheme CO, UTAH


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Apr 4, 2011
Charges filed in wildlife scheme that illegally killed Utah mountain lions and bobcats
A Colorado big game outfitter and his assistant have been charged in a 17-count indictment for their practice of illegally capturing and maiming mountain lions and bobcats — many of which were in Utah — as part of a scheme to make hunting easier for their clients.

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are announcing the indictments of outfitter Christopher W. Loncarich, 55, of Mack, Colorado and his assistant guide Nicholaus J. Rodgers, 30, of Medford, Oregon for allegedly conspiring to lead clients on illegal hunts in western Colorado and Utah between 2007 and 2010.

According to the indictment, the pair is accused of illegally capturing and caging cougars and bobcats, often incapacitating them by shooting them in the paws or otherwise limiting their mobility. Then, with the aid of radio communications, the outfitters brought their clients to the area where the maimed or restrained animal was released, ensuring a kill for their clients.

"These are very serious accusations that these men are facing," said Ron Velarde, Northwest Regional Manager for Colorado Parks and Wildlife. "If they are found guilty of these charges, it is easily among the worst cases I have seen in my 40-plus years in wildlife management.".

The indictment also states that Loncarich and Rodgers took several clients on illegal hunts in Utah without the proper tags. They would then bring the cats’ hides back to Colorado to 'check-in' with CPW using falsified records to obtain the required seals. Many of the hides were transported to the clients’ home states, a violation of the Lacey Act, which is a federal law prohibiting the transportation of illegally taken wildlife across state lines.

To date, four assistant guides have also pleaded guilty to offenses arising from the conspiracy.

"This time-intensive investigation involved wildlife law-enforcement professionals from Colorado, Utah and from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on behalf of ethical outdoorsmen everywhere,” states Tony Wood, Law Enforcement Chief with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

Like all regulated hunting activities, cougar and bobcat hunting are conducted with population management as a priority. Wildlife officials stress the importance of ethical hunting and keeping to the tenets of fair chase, ethics and established hunting rules and regulations.

"It is critical that everyone understands that what these men are accused of is not hunting, it is criminal activity," said CPW Area Wildlife Manager JT Romatzke.

If you see a wildlife violation in Utah, please call the UTiP Hotline at 1-800-662-3337. Rewards may be available and requests for confidentiality are honored.

An indictment is an accusation and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
that is unbelievable that someone (more then one) could be so cruel. I just hope they don't just get a slap on the hand. They deserve a long jail sentence and loss of all hunting and guiding privileges for life. maybe a little taste of their own medicine on the side.
Throw the book at them. This is cruel. Federal Lacey Act charges are serious, costly to defend, and lead to time in the gray bar hotel often with no chance at early release.

Not sure if clients did not notice the injuries before or after shooting. I do know there have been many a drunken tourist think they hooked a live marlin off Cabo when the fish was dead and towed out to sea with the tourist charter. Once the tourist was drunk, it would be "fish on, fish on" and the battle was on!
This world sure has some scum in it! I just read on my homepage that a lady is under arrest in NYC for the death of a 4 year old girl she was taking care of. The poor baby was found with cuts and burns all over her body and charges are that she went unfed for over two weeks and was made to stand out on a balcony with little clothing on in well below freezing weather. This world we live in is just unreal and the more stuff I read like this I am believing the penalty should be an "eye for an eye"!!!
what a bunch of DB's. Not sure if the clients would ever know that the lions were pre-injured. My only experience with lion hunting is what i have seen on TV where they shoot them out of trees after the dogs chase them down. You would never know the lion was shot in the paw(s) beforehand.

Being someone who is a rule/law follower, it always amazes and shocks me what people will do to break the law, especially with blatant game violations. Not sure if it's the christian upbringing I had, the love of hunting/fishing that i got from my Dad, or my flat out fear of being in jail.
Shameful. Those guys need lifetime revocation of privileges.

This type of activity is way beyond shameful. . Just what good would a "lifetime hunting ban" do in a case like this. Do you really think any sort of " ban" would stop them from more illegal killing? They are not hunters they are cold blooded criminals. Criminals don't buy guns in gun shops and criminals like this don't bother to obey hunting laws. Long jail time, big fines AND a lifetime ban just for the "cherry on top" would be a good starting point. jm2c
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