Canvas wall tent EPIC mold...


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
Yes,. as the title states - EPIC mold.

I prepared my gear, etc for archery season this year and opened her up to an amazing experience of kalydascope (spelling) w/o viewing through the cylinder... MOLD as if some artist splattered his / her paint brush of random dull colors all over the canvas...

I always know better to open her up after any wet (rain /snow) camp... especially when that nucklehead happen to be none other than "Sytes" - that putz! :( I have no clue where my mind was when I stashed the items to sit until another occasion...

Anyhow, after reading Moosie's post on tents it prompted me to see if there are any remedies as $600 down the drain is not something I wish to explain to the wife.

There are some light yellow molds that have made small areas brittle as heck and other areas that I would simply like to at the least dis infect / treat.

Anyone have experience with such? I was told bleach will actually shrink / thin the canvas threading thus making it a water sprinkling rain forest inside...
