Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Bipods And Nice Stocks


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2015
A Harris bipod is a nice assist when hunting. I have several of the 25S models as they are quite versatile. To protect the wood on the forearm of a nice rifle, I found that an old deer skin glove that has all the fingers worn out, will make a nice protective cushion.

It is simple to just cut a rectangle out of the back of the glove, fold it over and rubber cement it together making a square that you can cut a hole through for the swivel stud.

If you have a plastic stock, you don’t worry about such stuff...

Good idea. I got an ugly little dent even with the rubber spacer for my Schnabel fore-end.
I use the same bipods. One of them, then tension screw has stripped. I sent an email to the manufacturer to get a new one, but never heard back. Any ideas on getting a new one would be appreciated.
I use the same bipods. One of them, then tension screw has stripped. I sent an email to the manufacturer to get a new one, but never heard back. Any ideas on getting a new one would be appreciated.
Have you tried the local hardware store? We have ace hardware where im located and that typically have a TON of specialty fasteners