Caribou Gear

2004 ND Antelope


New member
Jan 12, 2004
Filled my bow tag 9/17

I was hoping to get a chance at the Boss Buck I had scouted all summer, and that was chasing this fella around....I was fortunate to get a little closer look at this buck the day before, and noticed he had a ton of baler twine wrapped around his horns....he was easy to spot.

I didn't think he was very high but noticed he nice mass and decent prongs.....

The morning of the 17th, the boss man was hounding this buck for several hours.....I was set up over a nearby waterhole before sun-up, so I got to catch glimpses of them burning up the was a warm morning, so i knew it was only a matter of time and one of them would have to come to water....

About 10:00am this buck came in.....I had to wait for him to finish drinking, since he was facing he backed out to leave, I grunted him to a stop...broadside.....a 35 yard shot across the waterhole found me pinning his shoulders together.....he didn't go 20 yards !!

After hacking all of the twine off, I was suprised and overjoyed to find a nice a set of horns just over 14"......rough scored at approx. 73".......
