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  1. mtnsaremyhome

    Rookie from Eastern Washington

    How did this fall season work out for you?
  2. mtnsaremyhome

    Rookie from Eastern Washington

  3. mtnsaremyhome

    Hunting around Bozeman

    Hope you find some good partners! Wrong state, I've found almost regardless of sport/activity it's a lot harder to find people after 30, especially when it involves waking up before the crack of dawn...
  4. mtnsaremyhome

    New to the Palouse

    Thanks! Nice looking bow in your profile photo there!
  5. mtnsaremyhome

    New to the Palouse

    ahhhhhhhh ok that makes sense, thanks for the backstory
  6. mtnsaremyhome

    New to the Palouse

    I grew up in Maine, but I've since spent some time in SLC, Bozeman, Bellingham, Seattle, Tumwater, Tigard, now Moscow. I think some diversity is a good thing in almost all cases, too many places have gone super far one way or the other and its pretty hard to be towards the middle anymore 🤷‍♂️...
  7. mtnsaremyhome

    New to the Palouse

    Ha! Thanks for your Local contributions to Hunt talk @44hunter45 I've read almost every post you've contributed to for 8A that I can find with search functions. Forms aren't that hard....I recall plenty of instances on a similar fishing one where people would ask silly questions that had...
  8. mtnsaremyhome

    New to the Palouse

    Thought so too! Funny story on that, mother in law found his at some thrift shop and though it was cute, turns out I already had one almost exactly matching, surprising given its a bit of unique limey-green
  9. mtnsaremyhome

    New to the Palouse

    Yall enjoy your futball discussions I have nothing to add on that front :) ever since getting hit in the nose by a fly ball in my one season on little league(rolled around in a bloody mess on in the outfield) I've never been much for watching or playing ball sports. Hockey is as close as I get...
  10. mtnsaremyhome

    New to the Palouse

    Ha!! Too funny
  11. mtnsaremyhome

    New to the Palouse

    Looking forward to exploring more! So far its been one of the best decisions we've ever made, we found a house 5 miles out side of town towards Troy right before interest rates exploded. I shot my whitetail before work on a Tuesday at 7:30am soon after first light, field-dressed it and then...
  12. mtnsaremyhome

    New to the Palouse

    Thank you!
  13. mtnsaremyhome

    New to the Palouse

    Thank you!
  14. mtnsaremyhome

    New to the Palouse

  15. mtnsaremyhome

    New to the Palouse

    I appreciate it! Will do, I'll have those first posts wrapped up soon enough here. I've been lurking and learning for a while, time to start contributing. Looks like you are in PDX? Wife and I left Tigard before here. I will say I miss some of the OR fishing opportunities and longer seasons, but...
  16. mtnsaremyhome

    New to the Palouse

    Idaho! So any hunting means a drive east
  17. mtnsaremyhome

    New to the Palouse

    Hi there, New transplant to the Palouse as of two years ago. New hunter, lifetime angler. I try to spend as much time in the woods in various seasons of the year, bikes, skis, climbing, etc. any excuse to be outside. I started with upland birds and have now branched into deer and I have a local...
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