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  1. D

    Hunting with spotters, cell phones, and blue-tooth headphones

    They are using filters, photoshop, and Kylie Cosmetics.
  2. D

    How did you take up hunting?

    It was the 90s and my great aunt had just died leaving me a small fortune, along with the secret family recipe for doughnuts. I opened an eponymously named doughnut shop to help support my large Irish-French family. Soon I found my self embroiled in costly trademark disputes with Dunkin Donuts...
  3. D

    Great Social Media posts?

    Had a mild coughing fit reading this one. Incredibly, I once met a person who thought males were born with antlers. Guess the female never birthed again after having a male?
  4. D

    NYT article on public land access

    In my general area I got more than a dozen airports, umpteen flight schools, and a local PD that flies its fleet of choppers around aimlessly all day. That'll be $7.75M please.
  5. D

    Lots of Links

    Bribe the butcher with your links, they sure look good. What spice mixture did you use for sweet and spicy Italian? That's my favorite.
  6. D

    School & Classroom Homework

    It's pointless to compare your kids to others or compare notes about homework loads. Everyone is different, some pick things up quickly, some more slowly, and some like to be accelerated and don't mind doing more academics at home. You can look up your state's grade level standards on the...
  7. D

    NYT article on public land access

    The line about Eshelman being a mountain lion hunter also stuck with me when I first read the article. Why do they note specifically mountain lion hunting to refute that he's anti-hunting, but not other types of game hunting that are more typical? Is that the only thing he hunts? That's an odd...
  8. D

    Hello from "The Land that shall not be named"

    Hello from Commifornia as well!
  9. D

    Corner Crossing BHA Amicus Brief

    Direct link to the BHA brief It's interesting to compare the BHA brief to the amicus brief filed several months ago on behalf of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association and Wyoming Wool Growers Association...
  10. D

    Are we lucky in some ways to be hunting in CA?

    Just from conversations with well-intentioned but ill-informed neighbors, it wouldn't surprise me if coyote hunting became illegal. Even when their cat gets loose and gets eaten, even when there's a news report of a toddler being mauled in his front yard by a coyote, people still think the...
  11. D

    Are we lucky in some ways to be hunting in CA?

    I think to a large extent the growes want/need to hide from other drug biz people as much as from the govt. And even though it's all supposedly legal now, growers/distributors still have to be licensed, and most aren't. LA Times had a good article on all the illegal weed shops in the LA area...
  12. D

    Are we lucky in some ways to be hunting in CA?

    Fun game to play with the kids on the iPad: GoogleEarth find the grow op. Zoom in random forested spots in NoCal. They tend to be near rivers to steal the water. Shame because they always seem to be in what look like great hunting/fishing areas.
  13. D

    Black Bear v. Grizzly (Brown) Quiz

    21/21 I even got the out-of-focus bigfoot one correct. Nice quiz, some are definitely tricky.
  14. D

    Elk calves struggling in SW CO per Denver Post

    Try the archive version

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