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  1. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement Quote from the above link: "At least a modicum of scientific literacy is important for citizens. As the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry’s primer observed: “It is imperative that policy-makers, the media, and...
  2. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    At least the government agencies I dealt with weren't complete Neanderthals. I never felt like I had to put my presentations in a Youtube video so that they could follow along. WSF and BHA leadership realizes that the average US adult has only a 7th or 8th grade reading level and will never be...
  3. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    Again, recent proposals by NPS, USFS, and BLM in Alaska to prohibit/restrict pack llamas based on a WSF endorsed (and now BHA endorsed) perceived pack llama disease threat have been reversed by pack llama watchdogs. See for more details: Just thought I...
  4. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    So is it beginning to become clear why pack llama watchdogs have been able to completely reverse an impressive list of proposals by government agencies to restrict/prohibit pack llamas based on these bogus disease accusations? Meanwhile WSF and BHA still has their head stuck in the mud. They're...
  5. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    And of course those Wild Sheep Foundation endorsed Canadian papers weren't peer reviewed which again brings us right back to this.
  6. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    If this is contagious ecthyma (orf): Ecthyma occurs throughout Alaska wherever Dall sheep, muskox or mountain goats are found. This is per the following ADF&G link: This disease is found throughout Alaska in areas where there is no...
  7. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    Also "Read the Commentary" at This is about the Wild Sheep Foundation and their role in the disease issue. As previously mentioned by another commenter, it is very puzzling why WSF endorses cattle as "safe" when they are the host reservoir for Johnes' disease not to mention a...
  8. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    Read the thread from the beginning. Keep an open mind.
  9. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    "I do know some people struggle with explaining their position without coming across like a real putz. Whatever works." Well at least you recognize that it does work. That could have something to do with understanding the...
  10. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    Kiss up to the witch hunters
  11. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    Still skirting the horse issue. Afraid to go there.
  12. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    The messenger is called the 2020 Wild Sheep Foundation Vision Statement as posted on the WSF website. No secret. You all know that. You all must be bored to tears. Nothing better to do than pick on little old ladies in fur coats. Mordor for you guys is Hell's Angels on horseback.
  13. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    Also since you are visiting family in Anchorage this fall, encourage them to join Resident Hunters of Alaska if they haven't already. Not only do they support the use of pack llamas in wild sheep habitat up here but they are working very hard to curb the tide of Alaska hunting turning into a...
  14. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    The other thing that drives me is the incredible support that our user group has been getting from the scientific community (including experts in wildlife disease epidemiology and camelid experts). AASRP for example and their recent policy statement. It is not the hunters or hunting groups that...
  15. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    It's a matter of survival. Freedom isn't free. You have to fight for it. And you also have to believe that truth will eventually prevail. I would have been dead in the water a long time ago if I had rolled over and played dead on this issue. I know it's worth it because I'm still enjoying the...
  16. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    Although some of the concerns may be well intended, it seems to me that the goal among many of these "sheep protection advocates" (with respect to the pack llama issue) is to skirt around the fundamental issues and distract everyone That includes llama owners and regulators. They are definately...
  17. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    Do you own llamas?
  18. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    still trying to play games with me
  19. C

    BHA Wild Sheep Policy Statement

    Note that i qualified my guess with "or they don't care" because they are not personally affected. I stand behind that guess.

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