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  1. Joelb16505

    NEBRASKA - Archery Mule Deer DIY OTC

    I appreciate the information! Will keep this in mind the next time we make it up there.
  2. Joelb16505

    NEBRASKA - Archery Mule Deer DIY OTC

    We camp at the entrance to the soldier creek area and hunt that and then the areas north and south of the solider creek road. We always see plenty of deer but the bucks are just slim pickins. Its not because of lack of effort either. We put on the miles and glass quite a bit. Ive also heard...
  3. Joelb16505

    NEBRASKA - Archery Mule Deer DIY OTC

    Im glad you posted that because im always curious how many people actually pull bucks out of there. We always see plenty of deer at fort rob but only a few bucks archery hunting in october
  4. Joelb16505

    NEBRASKA - Archery Mule Deer DIY OTC

    I live here and it isn’t worth the 5 hour drive. But every year i still find myself doing it.
  5. Joelb16505

    Food Plot for Mule Deer?

    Nebraska and Kansas mule deer terrain isnt what it is out west. Pretty much the transition phase to legit mule deer habitat. Mulies love the alfalfa. If someone wanted to get mad that mulies were muching on my alfalfa field then i dont really know what to say to them. It just isnt the same here...
  6. Joelb16505

    Looks like I got an Oryx tag...

    Congrats! I had a similar call yesterday. Nebraska's tag list came out earlier this week and I tried to get one of the very few rifle pronghorn doe tags. Had it added to my cart when the system crashed. Finally came back on a couple hours later and said all the tags were sold out, so I thought...
  7. Joelb16505

    What are your 2020 plans?

    NE - Archery deer NE - Rifle pronghorn doe WY - Rifle cow elk NE - Muzzleloader deer Excited! Most tags I've ever had finishing my last year of college.
  8. Joelb16505

    Nebraska OTC Archery Antelope

    Some buddies and I went the first three days of the season in 2019. 1. It was very warm, in the 90s. There was a massive storm brewing but only caught the edge of it. 2. We did not run into any rattlesnakes, but I'm sure they are there. 4. It was our first time hunting so we showed up a day and...
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