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  1. Islander

    Lets see your fishing boat!

    My wife convinced me to go with a dual console instead of center console. Better for family trips and still great for fishing. (her words). She was right. Her actual words were "Fishing in the back, party in the front!"
  2. Islander

    Because Dad did!

    Kippers on crackers with mayo.
  3. Islander

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    Sea island walk after a rain.
  4. Islander

    DNA kits?

    You opt in or out. I've done, 23 and Me, and CRI Genetics. Similar results. Don't wait. Hard to do after they are gone.
  5. Islander

    Tinder/Hinge/dating apps in general

    When I was around 17 I dated my brother's ex-girlfriend. That lasted a few months and was great fun until I moved away. When she turned 19 she ran off with my dad, who was 39 at the time and drove an old Chevy Van. I asked dad about her strange attraction to our family, and he said "I guess she...
  6. Islander

    Tinder/Hinge/dating apps in general

    I know, right?! With cellphones as cameras it's definitely become a challenge. I set my cell cam on 5 second delay and laid it over the edge of my office desk. That's genuine front window office tile right there. :ROFLMAO: (y)
  7. Islander

    Tinder/Hinge/dating apps in general

    Yeh, sorry about that. Pain meds got me! I'm still proud of her. At almost 64 years old she still passes the pinky test. What's the pinky test? Make a fist with both hands. Now spread your thumbs and pinkies as far apart as possible. Touch thumbs together. Now here is the critical step; WHILE...
  8. Islander

    Tinder/Hinge/dating apps in general

    Yep. Oh, we met when she picked me up hitchhiking, May of 1983. Still have her 1970s Olds Cutlass Supreme that she was driving that day stored in the boat shed (or "Pavillion" as my lovely Southern wife calls it). BTW, that's a 34" inseam on a 5'8" woman. Obviously I'm a leg man. 36DDs is just...
  9. Islander

    Tinder/Hinge/dating apps in general

    Bars for chasing tail. Church and clubs for keepers. What do I know? 40 years married this year. :rolleyes: :cool:
  10. Islander

    Foraged Food Thread

    Waiting on June chanterelles. I saute in butter until "squishy". They go with any protein. Freeze well after cooking as well. Yaupon Holly makes excellent caffeinated tea year round. Leaves only; don't include the berries or you'll understand how it got it's Latin name (Ilex vomitoria). :)
  11. Islander

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    My lovely sister and cool brother in law. Family time is the most important thing I've ever done in life.
  12. Islander

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    A lady's car at the local Harris Teeter. :-)
  13. Islander

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    Snapped this Sunday.
  14. Islander

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    Springtime in the Lowcountry of South Carolina.
  15. Islander

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    Fearless hen. She knows we don't have any turkey season for hens in South Carolina.
  16. Islander

    New member

    Welcome from the beautiful Lowcountry of South Carolina!
  17. Islander

    A little humour for your day

    On our submarine in the early 80s, we could receive a 40 word "familygram" around once per week. I told my newlywed wife the only thing I wanted to hear is that she loved me. Couldn't end the patrol even if my parents died, so no use to hear about bad news. So the wifey sent nothing but intense...
  18. Islander

    A little humour for your day

    Deleted mine.
  19. Islander

    Sunday Pic of the Day

    My first morning out for turkey season. They're just starting to get talking.
Caribou Gear

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