Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

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  1. PizzaKittensGalaxyForce

    Is Marcus a Druid?

    I can confirm he indeed is a druid.
  2. PizzaKittensGalaxyForce

    Fresh Tracks+

    As an editor we leave A LOT of footage on the cutting room floor. There are always smaller stories or events that have to be left out. A lot of editing is spent arguing with yourself about what should stay or what should be cut so that the story is coherent and moves at a pace that is conducive...
  3. PizzaKittensGalaxyForce

    A quick question on FreshTracks+

    FT+ for Roku, FireTv, AndroidTV, and AppleTV should all be up and running
  4. PizzaKittensGalaxyForce

    Fresh Tracks+

    As the editor for Fresh Tracks episodes, I try to make things as family friendly as possible, sans a few "craps" and "hell" I remove most everything else. FT+ won't change this. :)
  5. PizzaKittensGalaxyForce

    Mr. Gates mad dance skills

    That's a 5 star "yikes".
  6. PizzaKittensGalaxyForce

    Season 9

    A lot of hunting shows have been axed by Amazon. Don't worry, we have the new season coming up soon...
  7. PizzaKittensGalaxyForce

    Season 9

    We just dropped a Paddlefish Episode for season 8 on Amazon. We are working on the last episodes edits for season 9.
  8. PizzaKittensGalaxyForce

    Corona virus

    You can track it here. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 I think a main problem is that it's hard to identify as the symptoms are similar to the cold, flu, etc. It also varies in severity so someone could be having severe symptoms...
  9. PizzaKittensGalaxyForce

    Muskrat tacos

    Tasted like bland pulled pork to me

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