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    New ruger american Gen II

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    New ruger american Gen II

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    Ohio deer poaching (with update)

    If I was a rock star I would do a cover of this cover at every show. And, I would turn it up to 11
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    Ohio deer poaching (with update)

    That's one of the best ever.
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    Ohio deer poaching (with update)

    How far away is this from the walleye tournament cheaters of last summer?
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    Americas top long-range Shooting School

    do people really pay for long range shooting schools? Is that what this country has come to?
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    How to decimate a mule deer herd: A case study in Wyoming

    Winter range valleys full of housing developments Protection and increase of predators More traffic - (roadkill season is 24/7/365)
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    60 Minutes Wyoming Green Energy Segment

    The amount of fossil fuels used to create, and deal with the waste from " green energy" is greater than just using the fossil fuel for your task. "Green Energy is so dependent on fossil fuels to create, and maintain it, that the elimination of fossil fuels, also eliminates "Green Energy".
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    60 Minutes Wyoming Green Energy Segment

    Here's one for you. The last people you'd think of to be critical of "Green Energy "
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    Knife sharpening

    Yeah I used to use the lansky stuff, but those work sharps are the easy button. Broad Heads, knives, kinda spoils you. Work sharp, and finish on the crock sticks. Done, and done.
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    I wish I was good at golf.
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    Weird cartridges

    Before the internet the only thing you had to read about hunting/fishing/guns etc were a handful of magazines. But those were men, and their writing never once included the term puffy, winny, remmy, or leupy. But they did use the term pill to describe bullets, and that might worse than all...
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    Bowmar Sentencing

    looks like snookie from jersey shore. She's definitely hit the wall.
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    Doe gone !!!!

    223 r-u-n-n-o-f-t..... No way
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    Cool Rock Star Pics

    An old lady vandalizing a park wall?
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    2023/2024 Trapping Thread

    Quite possibly the best video to teach yourself how to foothold beavers.
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    Fair Price For Selling Antlers?
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    Well Thanksgiving dinner is going to be interesting...

    Keep the antelope for yourself. It's a rare family indeed that's worthy of such precious sustenance.
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    Hugh Glass Monument, Perkins County, South Dakota

    Looks a lot like the revenant country huh?