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  1. W

    New BF Good rich KO3

    I agree - KO2's suck in the mud big time.
  2. W

    CO CPW Draw Process Working Group

    The re-issue process for this year is printed in the regs book so how can they change that now? I hope they do though.
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    Call your Senators! CPW Commission Confirmation Vote - Delayed Again! Now Tues, 12 Mar!

    Wow, I had no idea that many boards were appointed and need Senate approval.
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    Call your Senators! CPW Commission Confirmation Vote - Delayed Again! Now Tues, 12 Mar!

    I'm not following you. What director position are you talking about?
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    Call your Senators! CPW Commission Confirmation Vote - Delayed Again! Now Tues, 12 Mar!

    That process seems ripe for corruption. The governor could appoint anti-hunters who vote against science-based wildlife management for nearly a year before they get the boot. Why not have the governor make recommendations and then have the senate vote on them before they actually sit on the...
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    Call your Senators! CPW Commission Confirmation Vote - Delayed Again! Now Tues, 12 Mar!

    So how does this appointment and approval work? Haven't Beaulieu and Skiba been on the commission since last summer? Does the governor appoint them and then a year later the senate votes to approve or reject them? If that is the case, haven't they been voting their biased agendas without senate...
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    Call your Senators! CPW Commission Confirmation Vote - Delayed Again! Now Tues, 12 Mar!

    That is encouraging. Does it do any good to contact senators outside of our voting districts?
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    Call your Senators! CPW Commission Confirmation Vote - Delayed Again! Now Tues, 12 Mar!

    I have always been an advocate of writing elected representatives about issues such as this one. My email went in this morning. But the "realist" in me asks, what are the odds we can stop this misuse of power by our governor considering 2/3 of our state senators are democrats? And before someone...
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    CPW Commission Meeting Day 1

    Marie Haskett was the voice of reason at this meeting. I applaud her hanging in there when she is clearly outnumbered. It's tough to win a battle when the enemy has infiltrated your ranks. Commissioner Tutchton is either very naive or being very deceptive about why the ballot initiative to ban...
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    CPW Commission Meeting Day 1

    I admit to broad brushing the political party thing - being a voter for nearly 50 years kind of does that to a person that pays attention. I will also admit I don't really trust politicians from either party. It's a damn shame one man can have the kind of power Polis does.
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    CPW Commission Meeting Day 1

    I've watched many of these meetings and asked myself, how many of these commissioners are advocates for Colorado sportsmen and many times I felt like the answer was none of them. Until we get a republican governor, if we ever do again, this isn't going to change. It's sad that wildlife...
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    CPW Commission Meeting Day 1

    They discussed that today. I think it was 300 additional bears taken when the price dropped.
  13. W

    CPW Commission Meeting Day 1

    His term can't end fast enough.
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    CPW Commission Meeting Day 1

    That is a point to ponder for sure. Another one is by adding wolves, eliminating lion hunting and reducing bear harvest, there won't be much left to hunt which is a pleasing thought to many - some of which are on this commission.
  15. W

    CPW Commission Meeting Day 1

    The discussion / motion to raise NR bear licenses to $800 has me scratching my head. Just a few years ago it was lowered to $100 to help achieve harvest objectives. Further discussion / vote was tabled until today. Should be interesting to listen to the CPW staff input on this.
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    CO CPW Draw Process Working Group

    But WY doesn't make you buy a qualifying license to apply for preference points like CO - $34 for Residents and $94 for Non-residents is a lot of revenue.
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    CO CPW Draw Process Working Group

    Randy and I believe others have commented on Nevada's system for re-issues. I tried to find that procedure but struck out. Anyone have a link to it?
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    CO CPW Draw Process Working Group

    I don't know how that works. I will say that right now people are apt to use a bot simply because there is no stated policy from CPW on using bots for re-issued licenses. Having a policy with stated consequences, whether practically enforceable or not (at this point in time), would be a good...
  19. W

    CO CPW Draw Process Working Group

    Two easy to make changes that shouldn't require a year of discussion: Secondary Draw - eliminate NR youth getting preference over Colorado residents. There were some hunt codes where NR youth got tags over Res youth and NR youth get 100% preference over Colorado Res adults. How that ever passed...