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  1. D

    Guy caught applying as a res in CO

    Definitely all 3. While all these extra animals are getting whacked because of the exact same amount of license's being issued, I'm shaking in my boots because I know WGFD will plaster my name on every message board if I give them a tip. All the while I'm just trying to help RN with traffic and...
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    Guy caught applying as a res in CO

    Not a friend. That’s part of the issue. To be a tattletale or not?
  3. D

    Guy caught applying as a res in CO

    I know a guy that drew an oil type tag in Wyoming this year as a res that is obviously a non res. And has been a non res for 4-5 years.
  4. D

    Montana D & E this week??

    Mine still says pending under the hunter search.
  5. D

    ND Deer season structure - Are changes needed?

    Yes Idaho is a little different since they don't have points. Here if you draw your first choice for deer you lose your accumulated points and don't gain a point. So essentially the NDGF could model it after Idaho and guarantee you draw that hunt code if you use it as your first choice. If you...
  6. D

    ND Deer season structure - Are changes needed?

    I'm not saying they will add rifle tags because of less archers. I am saying there will be less archers competing for rifle tags and less rifle hunters out during archery season. Unless I completely don't understand how our draw works here in ND which I don't believe is the case, you lose your...
  7. D

    ND Deer season structure - Are changes needed?

    I don't really feel archers are giving up much if they can draw an archery tag and rifle tag but still only kill one buck. That wouldn't improve odds for rifle hunters to get drawn. And you would still have multiple rifle hunters hunting archery every year because they can't draw a rifle tag...
  8. D

    ND Deer season structure - Are changes needed?

    I have thought about this a lot. A few changes I think would help. And it would help archers and rifle hunters. Make archery a draw. Make it a guaranteed tag but you have to apply for it as your first choice. That way archers get to hunt if they want and rifle hunters would get to hunt more...
  9. D

    Chance to "hunt" goats in Olympic Park

    That will be no joke. My buddy had a tag for the surrounding area. I believe he is the only hunter in 2 years to fill his tag. It’s just steep, nasty, wet, nasty, slick, nasty country. I’ve got a solid resume and so do my buddies. But I’m not a fan of going to Wyoming and just whacking...
  10. D

    Colorado Mule Deer Decision

    This is coming from a guy that hasn’t hunted either. But I would hunt 40 3rd over 21 2nd. Good luck
  11. D

    Mother nature is a bitch!

    My brother killed a bull that was aged @14 years old. I know another guy that found a winter kill and it was aged @16. But I bet most are killed way younger. Thanks for sharing that experience.
  12. D

    This in my inbox from Idaho F&G today. Important Elk Tag rule change for Residents in 2020

    I’m a fan. I like the idea of having to pick. Do you want to chance the draw for a great tag or get a decent tag? Or go totally limited.
  13. D

    New Mexico Rounding

    If you go off of what the g and f regs say, it takes 17 tags per hunt code for a non res to receive a tag. Up to 6% of 13 = 0.78. That’s not 1. So you have to round up to receive that tag. That is more than up to 6%. 6% of 17 =1.02. So a non res would receive a tag if 17 tags or more are issued...
  14. D

    Long Range Hunting

    I always enjoy these topics. You see some people say long range isn't ethical. Some say it is. Some say its not hunting. Some say it is hunting. Yet I've never seen a consensus on the yardage a shot becomes long range? I personally have killed elk at what I consider long range. One bull I was 7...
  15. D

    Wyoming deadline

    Dan it’s more than that when you figure in the mandatory cc fee. Add another $21-$22 bucks for that. Getting close to $900 for the normal price tag now.
  16. D

    5 points to burn CO rifle muley?

    Ha I was pretty observant on that one.
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    5 points to burn CO rifle muley?

  18. D

    Anxiously awaiting Wyoming Non-Res elk drawing results...

    I drew bull tags in Washington twice. There are some great hunts there. I would love to draw a hunt in any state that would be a better hunt. The downside like you say is horrible odds. I have a handful of points in Wyoming and swung for the fence. Don't really care if I draw an elk tag and if...
  19. D

    Sheep raffles / auctions and thoughts on implications

    So lets say Wyoming has been paying $2mil out of pocket for CC fees. This year they are collecting $2mil more from hunters to pay for that $2mil in CC fees they have been paying for in the past. Now they have $2mil more to spend on wildlife. It doesn't matter if they call it a CC fee or not. It...
  20. D

    NR Whitetail hunts

    ND has some decent whitetails. Archery is otc rifle is a draw. There are decent numbers on public but a lot of them are on the private. If you hunt the edges you can do fine.