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    Deer Heart and Liver Recipes

    I've started eating livers this eat and have become a huge fan but admit it's not for everybody. My preferred way for both is to slice pan fry with whatever you're preferred seasoned salt is. It's easy to eat a deer or pig heart in one sitting so I do that. I'll often add pan friend liver into...

    Have canoe, will paddle…

    In my areas I haven't yet come across public land where I can effectively make a float trip to access land locked public. There is one float trip I'd like to do with my squirrel dog, but for the time being I think she's too crazy and hunting driven to calmly ride in a canoe. There are some...

    Life with Sweetie

    This past Saturday morning and the prior sunday evening we ran on a WMA in S MS. The evening was eventful. I turned her loose while I was still getting my stuff together, and she treed while I was still a the truck. Saw 1 but no kills. The Saturday went to a new area of the WMA with better...

    Opening Morning Doe and Hog

    Given the amount of meat and quality of it, it would make good sausage on its own, but I really hate to go through that work just to have tainted meat. It'll definitely be the last thing I put through the grinder just in case. The shoulders were so bad I tried trimming some off and getting to...

    Opening Morning Doe and Hog

    Not a fan. That doe was the second time I had to shoot it right handed and the second time I've been scoped checked. Only use it because it is a "primitive weapon" for us.

    Opening Morning Doe and Hog

    Made the annual trip up to north Louisiana to get a head start on gun season for the primitive season opener. Unfortunately a few buddies I normally hunt with up there couldn't make it so I was on my own. I drove up the Friday night before season opened, and slept in the truck. At day break...

    Life with Sweetie

    When she was younger I did more often. Now in most hunting situations I don't.

    Life with Sweetie

    Squirrel season is finally here and it's time to get ready for the leaves to drop. Hurricane Ida messed up our area big time. Much of my local hardwoods have been trashed from the storm. I'm unsure of what the future will hold in regards to raising another squirrel dog. When training Sweetie it...

    Favorite Wildlife Watching moment.

    - During one of the rare times a pond almost completely freezes over in Louisiana, there must have been 100s of pouldeaus fighting for a 10yds area of water in the center that was still open. Probably 1/3 of them could fit into the black hole of packed pouldeaus at a time. The remaining 2/3s of...
  10. JTHOMP

    Overpriced outdoor gear

    Any piece of clothing that's sole purpose is to be a walking advertisement for a company because it is trendy. Granted I have been guilty of this in the past, but now when I see people wearing a simple carharrt hat or a 100% cotton columbia tshirt (either can go for $20-30) I wonder why so many...
  11. JTHOMP

    Hurricane Ida

    Correction: Now estimating 4-6 weeks before power. Time will tell. We'll keep living either way. The only thing I will complain about because of this storm is hunting season. Until we have power the freezers depend on generator. I don't want to be gone from the house or try to put more meat in...
  12. JTHOMP

    Hurricane Ida

    Western Louisiana got it last year so I guess it was our turn this year. By the time Ida reached us it was a Cat 2 and there was at least 1 tornado by the house that we know of. We were just on the east side of the eye and she took her sweet time passing. It was a long sleepless night for...
  13. JTHOMP

    Meat Eater Cookbook

    The link for it is in the description of this video
  14. JTHOMP

    Life with Sweetie

    The long dog days of summer will be over soon. Sweetie is ready to hit the woods any time and I'm very much looking forward to knocking out the first one of the year. Since April we've been out a handfull of times. Probably once every 2 weeks, at times 3. Although the times have been fewer than...
  15. JTHOMP

    Meat Eater Cookbook

    I'll also add one of my favorite cookbooks is the Quarantine Cookoff that the Newberg crew put together last year. There are a variety of recipes and all have simple ingredients and simple instructions. My wife printed out the free pdf and put the pages in a binder so we can have a hard copy of...
  16. JTHOMP

    Meat Eater Cookbook

    I got it and like it. Some of the dishes have herbs, spices, peppers, that aren't easy to find. But like most recopies I usually put my own spin to it. It has tons of different things to explore with instead of usual wild game meals.
  17. JTHOMP


    September 1st there will be hogs eating muscadines along the bank of a bayou. They will be fat and happy coming off a wet spring and summer, and not having been harassed since February 28th. I look forward to that day and following weekend to put as many as I can in the boat before the main...
  18. JTHOMP

    A Dream DIY Louisiana Fishing Trip

    Glad yall had a good trip! I live in the state and have yet to go to Grand Isle aside from work. Made plans a few times but each time it fell through. Going to have to make it out there next year.
  19. JTHOMP

    OnX vs BaseMap

    When buying from camofire, does the subscription start date begin when you purchased it or from when you enter the code when your subscription is ready to renew?
  20. JTHOMP

    What is the best piece of advice tht you have ever been given?

    "The key to training a good squirrel dog is patience and persistence." A year and a half later, and it turns out that patience and persistence is the key to many things in life.
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