Caribou Gear Tarp

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  1. O

    RMEF Elk Camp

    I would be there if they hadn't changed the meeting to early December. Still hunting going on here. The midwinter meetings were a better time in my opinion. I hope everyone has a great time.
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    Great post on conservation NK. Couldn't help but respond to it

    Great post on conservation NK. Couldn't help but respond to it
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    Environmentalists vs. Conservationists

    A historical perspective The definition OC Hunter presented is the one I learned in my Wildlife management classes way back when. I am now a retired state wildlife biologist 40 years later and it still is the one I ascribe to. Wildlife courses back then were attended and taught largely by...
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    Homegrown poachers

    The shame is we as hunters tend to get painted with the same brush when these clowns hit the news. Take the Cecil fiasco. Even on the Five on fox last night they talked trash about hunters and pooh poohed the idea that hunters pay for conservation. We as ethical fair chase hunters aren't...

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