Search results

  1. Canoe Country

    Colorado Rio Blanco County Oil Company land access

    Thank you Old Roper 42, Yes, that is the section shown on the maps in this document that you can access but looking at On X, there are a lot of other very large parcels of oil Company owned land in the same area that could really open up access to a lot more BLM land. Wasn’t sure if it was legal...
  2. Canoe Country

    Colorado Rio Blanco County Oil Company land access

    Good morning all. I have been doing research into unit 22 archery elk and have found one section of Exon Mobile land that is approved for use to access public land but there is a large amount of other oil company land shown on On X Maps (several different companies) in this unit and others...
  3. Canoe Country

    Asking a favor

  4. Canoe Country

    In the sage

    Congrats, hope to see the pics soon! good luck!
  5. Canoe Country

    More than expected

    the mass and prongs are incredible, my gut guess is 90", would love to know what he score. Even better that you were able to experience this hunt with your family by your side!
  6. Canoe Country

    MT Archery speedgoat

    Awesome goat, good luck in Montana
  7. Canoe Country

    It Happens

    Awesome story, you may be stringing us along but I like it... You definitely earned it, can't wait to hear the rest!
  8. Canoe Country

    2015 Wyoming moose

    Great Bull Buzz, even better to experience it with your family! Congrats!
  9. Canoe Country

    2014 Alaska Moose

    Critter Getter, I've followed this story for a while... Don't ease up. There are so many hard working people like ourselves that do OYO hunts and save up for the once or twice in a lifetime hunts like this and to have the experience you had and most importantly, the wasted meat, makes my stomach...
  10. Canoe Country

    The Mrs got her Wy archery muley

    Awesome buck, congrats to the Mrs.s
  11. Canoe Country

    Pack Weight

    I keep it simple, 50 lb bag of rocksalt on my 4lb frame, on the steepest incline on my treadmill and try to go 3 miles and hour for 3 miles (1 hour). Its a great workout and pushes you hard. I also run 4 miles and try to push my self hard for the last half mile. I don't stick to one or the...
  12. Canoe Country

    Help with eastern whitetails

    In am outdoor junkie's brother. I concur. Finding common corridors is good for bow hunting but for gun hunting when there are a lot of other hunters look for good funnel points between the natural barriers, set up early, and be prepped to sit all day. Two of my biggest bucks were taken within 15...
  13. Canoe Country

    Bear Spray and Jet Boil Fuel in Salt Lake City

    Thanks for all of the output. I searched the Sportsman Warehouse website and they didn't show either product. I will search REI, for some reason that didn't come up when I searched sporting goods in Salt Lake City last night. I am sure they will vary this. Thanks much!
  14. Canoe Country

    Bear Spray and Jet Boil Fuel in Salt Lake City

    So Outdoor Junkie and myself are all set for a 3 day scouting trip in Western Wyoming for Mule Deer in July and our hunt in mid September. we have put a lot of effort over the last year identifying where we are going to hunt, OVER analyzing our gear list to get our pack weight down, dialing in...
  15. Canoe Country

    airline question

    I was just going to post this question... Perfect timing and thanks for the great feedback.
  16. Canoe Country

    PA youth turkey

    Great bird and an awesome day, thanks for sharing!
  17. Canoe Country

    270wsm or 300 win mag for elk ?

    I have a 270 WSM and a 300 WSM. I got the 300 a few years after getting the 270 because I got a great deal for it. I practice enough out to 500 yards and shot that distAnce a lot in the Marine Corps with open sights. I think the 270 is plenty of gun, killed every deer I shot at with it. With...
  18. Canoe Country

    NCAA bracket??

    ON WISCONSIN, tied at the half.... Just like the Kentucky game
  19. Canoe Country

    Nice Shiras Moose

    Very nice
  20. Canoe Country

    Ask Randy - Muskrat trapping

    Great morning view this morning! Thanks Randy!

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