Caribou Gear

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  1. P

    Not an "On Your Own Adventure"

    More on the Ibex hunt in Tajikistan From: Debby Perry (Wife of Joe –Pierre) Approximately one year ago my husband Joe (Pierre) bid on an Ibex hunt in Tajikistan at the annual Wild Sheep Convention in Bozeman, Montana. After the reality hit, I started asking questions like “Just where...
  2. P

    Not an "On Your Own Adventure"

    We traveled on the Pamir Highway which was a tough gravel road...also called the Silk Road. Old vehicles were Russian. Newer stuff was Chinese. The road was full of Chinese semi's traveling to Central Asia and as far as E. Europe.
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    Not an "On Your Own Adventure"

    I did bring a number of leatherman, knives, and other gifts for the village folks. I gave Old Gulbeck a brand new set of binoculars to replace his monocular (busted binocs). Deb planned on hunting with me but got a bit of altitude sickness too and never did. She did act as teacher for the...
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    Not an "On Your Own Adventure"

    high in the rocks. He was the biggest we could find. He actually moved down far enough that I was able to anchor him with one shot from my trusty 30.06. We'll get more pics posted. It was in fact, a hunt of a lifetime. These conservation area hunts are valuable from several standpoints. The...
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    Not an "On Your Own Adventure"

    Robert has outlined our hunt very well. He explained that I had been at sea level for over a month, home for 4 days, then off to Tajikistan. I had altitude sickness right away...never had it before. No stamina, no wind, lower back pain, hip pain, diarrhea, dizziness, head ache, no appetite...
  6. P

    If you’re thinking of hiring an outfitter in montana

    Folks, Please let your friends and contacts and other forums know.
  7. P

    If you’re thinking of hiring an outfitter in montana

    Actually we have been contacted by a number of outfitters opposed to lowered industry standards.
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    If you’re thinking of hiring an outfitter in montana

    Saturday, April 7, 2018 IF YOU’RE THINKING OF HIRING AN OUTFITTER…. Many folks, at one time or another, and for various reasons, choose to enlist the services of an outfitter as a means of enjoying Montana’s great outdoors. Outfitters make their living based on the public’s resources and as...
  9. P

    Randy Newberg's position on grizzly bear hunting

    This will be the most sought after tag. I agree with most of Randy's points. It deserves a fee at the top of the pile but still affordable to regular folks. I have no problem with modest seasons when death loss is low enough to warrant. My biggest concern is outfitters and their big money...
  10. P

    Moga Contols Board of Outfitters

    Erik, for someone who is never at a meeting, sounds like the the blind leading the blind. Follow thru on bs hear-say. I have seen things manipulated by Moga many times:Taber extensively and now by Rob. Consider Jean's antics! Makes it easy to become anti-MOGA. As far as any data, those are...
  11. P

    Moga Contols Board of Outfitters

    Eric, your analysis is only 2nd hand. Robin was elected 10 years in a row as chair by the board. Yet that 10 years doesn't correlate to Billings. What I have seen is nothing but slimy Moga efforts to control votes and to pit outfitters against the public. The board has become totally...
  12. P

    Moga Contols Board of Outfitters

    Before my time. I think Robin served 10 years as chair. Math doesn't add up. So you are believing something 2nd hand? I still call BS.
  13. P

    MT Sheep Hunter Fined

    We continually watch guys get off for various reasons. We must police ourselves. If you see something, say something. County attorneys and DA are guilty of letting many of these incidents slide. That said, it seems a big price for self reported. May have to do with restitution and if so...
  14. P

    Moga Contols Board of Outfitters

    I have never attended a meeting where Billingsley attended. I call BS. Joe
  15. P

    Moga Contols Board of Outfitters

    Eric, You always go to a personal attack. I attend almost all Boo meetings and I WAS THERE! You can't cite issues with Robin but need to go back to Taber for instructions? It seems incredibly weak to me that you can argue but yet not cite one fact! Taber wasn't able to get his way all the...
  16. P

    Moga Contols Board of Outfitters

    Moga continues to stick it to the public. Just thought you folks should know what has been up with the Mont. Board of Outfitters (Boo). After telling MSA that their legislative agenda was benign, Moga(Mt. Outfitters and Guides Assn) used every opportunity to further their self serving...
  17. P

    Crazy Mountain Public Access

    Stockgrowers and Farm Bureau, we are truly disappointed in this effort! Are you joining the welfare outfitters in denying the public their rights? This should be in court not frying public employees for doing their job!
  18. P

    Crazy Mountain Public Access

    Look for the lowest common denominator in lowlife pursuit of folks(Alex and Robin Cunningham) doing their job, and you will find Moga! There is few orgs. that are as blatantly opposed to public access and trying to monopolize public trust resources. Many of us refer friends to outfitters to...
  19. P

    Crazy Mountain Trespassing case

    Thanks again to Kat and to Rob. MSA is watching with interest! Joe
  20. P

    MT Fielder's Constitutional Referendum

    Sen. Fielder and Sen. Hinkle were on Aron Flint's radio show. Fielder's Green decoy garbage came up again. Some MSA comments: Instead of working toward consensus, jump in and attack folks who don't bow down. That tells me this bill is not...
PEAX Trekking Poles

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