Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

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  1. O

    Hunterman's in the Hospital

    OK, let me see if I can put all of this into "Moosie Language" for everybody. A cardio catheder is basically a heart scope. A camera is guided into the heart by way of the circulatory system. It starts out at the femeral artery (near the groin). The camera is able to show the doctor any...
  2. O

    "Coach Bag" question?

    I say bad choice. ALWAYS go with the Coach bag, but then again, I am female. Just for a quick class, the names Dooney and Burke, Prada, Burka, Fossil (at times) and of course COACH... any of those names ending in bag is a good thing, especially if they are free. Class Dismissed. OL
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    This movie sucked. I saw it when it first came out in theatres and i fell asleep twice. It was all around boring, hard to follow, and it was a stupid concept for a movie. Pick something else to film and quit wasting money on stupid crap.
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    Insoles.. What do you use?

    Alright, i stumbled onto this post with the hopes that it would be a serious one and that it might actually help me out. I have read mention of the balls of people's feet being sore, but what about heel pain? I just did two 12 hour shifts over the weekend, and my heels were killing me by the end...
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    Real strange animal killed in Maine

    did anybody else see the thing that looks like another face on that thing's neck? I know QD, I just asked her about it, so as not to look like a dork on here.
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    What Boys do When Mom's Shopping :)

    Those are pretty funny. Now that we have DSL I was actually able to watch it.
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    Important study for Hunt Talk members

    Ok, I am guilty of the first and third one... but not noharly's.
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    Today my mom...

    The weather is not bad here. It has cooled off, I think upper 60s, low 70s and cloudy; it is kinda humid too. QD is just being a woose.
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    Today my mom...

    Definately not for spelling bee candidates, since Moosie would have to be listed as the coach.
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    Today my mom...

    ... said that HuntTalk.com is a "safe website". Ya know, the kind of website that you tell you kids is okay to be on and okay to talk about personal stuff. She said something about a shooting hierarchy if somepeople were to get a little too stupid with me. Just thought I would boost Moosie's ego...
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    Sweet Sixteen

    Well Happy 16th to T.E.
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    How do I...

    I have Kodak on my computer, would it work to email them to myself at a certain size and then save them to my computer from the email and then post them? Thanks curly, i will check that out.
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    I hadnt noticed that. It is, after all, a kids movie. But now that I think of it, yeah, your right.
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    How do I...

    post pictures that are not huge? Everytime I have tried to post a picture, somebody has needed to go behind me and resize them so that they are a decent size. I have no idea how to make them smaller.
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    she was slutty in a butch sort of way, IMO
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    Top Ten List...

    I take offense to number one, sort of :)
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    That movie is awesome. I lilke the cafinated chipmunk thing, that little critter was wired for sound.
  18. O

    1st Duty Station For Quick Draw...

    Yep. my sister is lucky and got Ft. Lewis as her duty station. She graduates AIT on my b-day (any guesses when that is (except admins))
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    Why Men and Women will never understand each other

    Those are hilarious, and I agree with moosie (shocking isnt it?), we should have daily posts on these.
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    IRS audit

    That is hilarious.