Search results

  1. Birdbander

    Northeast Minnesota Grouse Camp '24

    @Lostinthewoods, after reading your post outlining what types of subjects should be posted on this website I've been working to delete as many of my posts as possible because they do not meet the public lands/conservation guidelines. Unfortunately I do not know how to delete a thread I started...
  2. Birdbander

    A public THANK YOU to Bullshot

    I want to give thanks and appreciation to Bullshot for his unsolicited offer of information regarding dusky grouse hunting in Colorado. The locations he provided have held the most grouse I've found on this trip. My last day to hunt will be tomorrow and I intend to hit the best locations hard...
  3. Birdbander

    Wondering about Taxidermist past Date

    Edited Not public land hunting/conservation related.
  4. Birdbander

    Win .243 Ammo Suggestions Please

    Edited Not public land hunting/conservation related
  5. Birdbander

    Rossi customer service

    Edited Not public land hunting/conservation related
  6. Birdbander

    New Llewellin!

    Drove down to Virginia & picked my newest bird dog puppy. Let me introduce Highball's Train Station "Rip"! He's from Blue Mt Llewellins. Yes, I'm an unapologetic fan of the show so many profess to hate😉
  7. Birdbander

    Which Bear Spray Please

    This September I'll be going to Colorado on my first dusky grouse hunt. A non-hunting friend will be going along because he wants to see the sights. He's going to attempt to be useful by sharing fuel cost, taking pictures and annoyingly pointing out ever "cool" thing we pass. I'll be carrying...
  8. Birdbander

    CZ Redhead Premier 20ga, Good customer service👍

    I won this shotgun at a RGS banquet 7.5 years ago. It was apparent as soon as I started using it that it fit me much better than my previous shotguns, and my hit percentage on birds was proof of that. Through the years on rare occasions the gun would double fire, both barrels at the same time...
  9. Birdbander

    Day trips/good steak near Douglas, Wy?

    My antelope hunt ended with success on Tuesday, helped my friend with his hunt (successful) yesterday. Took a long day trip today to see Devil's Tower, then over to Mt. Rushmore thru Deadwood, and by Crazy Horse before returning to camp. I'll be breaking camp Sunday & staying in town to pick up...
  10. Birdbander

    Best wishes if your WY season opens tomorrow!

    Best of luck and safe hunting to everyone whose WY season opens tomorrow (especially if it's in 29)! Our party of four, plus one not hunting, go wheels up early tomorrow morning from Michigan and Indiana, will meet up in Nebraska for the night and arrive at our planned spot to camp Sunday...
  11. Birdbander

    Places Tourists Shouldn't Miss Glasgow, MT?

    I'm bringing a couple of friends to Ft. Peck Reservoir in February for a week of pike spearing. What are a places we shouldn't miss?
  12. Birdbander

    My Dusky Dreaming Can Begin😀

    Now that my party has drawn for antelope this fall, I can officially start planning for my first upland bird hunt out west for me & my dogs. My heart is in the forest chasing ruffed grouse so I'm naturally drawn to going after dusky grouse. The only decision that is concrete is that I'll be...
  13. Birdbander

    Woodcock Banding 🙂

    My main spring activity from mid April through the end of May is taking my pointing dogs to the woodcock covers in search of hens & their chicks as a volunteer bander in Michigan. This morning my youngest pup Trace finally found his first brood! To all who hunt woodcock, be sure to check any...
  14. Birdbander

    Cabela's Trans Alaska Boots

    I'm seeking information from people who have worn these boots, specifically are they actually waterproof as advertised. I need waterproof boots for ice fishing. A year or so ago I purchased a pair of Baffin Snow Monsters that were (supposedly) waterproof. They aren't. If you don't get into any...
  15. Birdbander

    New from Michigan

    I've been to Montana just once. A failed pike spearing trip to Tiber in February a couple of years back, holed up riding out a blizzard. A spearing friend lives in western MT and has finally talked me into getting points for an antelope hunt. Some friends and I should be able to get drawn for...
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