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  1. D

    Other hunters at your top spot, what do you do?

    I drew a 2nd rifle deer tag this year that I'll be heading out for in less than 7 days - I'm so excited my dreams are filled with mule deer hunts... Scouting trips have gone great - I've seen more deer and deer sign than I expected, so my number one fear (getting skunked) is pretty low on the...
  2. D

    Archery Hunting: middle of the day

    Now a week though archery elk season here in CO, I was curious what everyone does through the early afternoon hours of the hunt? Are you sitting near a water source? Taking a nap? Slow-hunting the timber? Reading a book? It’s been hot here, so I’ve been trying to get close to my planned...
  3. D

    Looking for Local Colorado Archery Partner - 2023

    This past season I hunted 1st rifle elk, I would've hunted archery but hunting solo I wasn't comfortable with overnight temps and risking meat loss in september. This, and the fact that I've realized I just dislike hunting alone, provide the reasoning for this post. I'm looking for a partner (or...
  4. D

    Interpretation of elk scouting findings

    I'm particularly perplexed after today's scouting trip up to the unit I'm hunting first rifle elk this year. As a quick disclaimer, I'm a greenhorn - though it's my fourth season elk hunting, I've yet to even set eyes on an elk with a gun in hand. This year I refuse to get skunked, and I'm...
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    E-scouting help: game-trails vs. horse-trails/hiking trails

    I've been doing a great deal of e-scouting the unit I've been thinking of elk-hunting this fall.. I'm intending to target wilderness to try and reduce my run-ins with other hunting parties, and I've learned (on here, I believe) that horseback groups can sometimes be doing the same thing, but...
  6. D

    Hello from THE Ohio State University

    I've spent countless hours on here reading and decided that I might as well make an account (that way I can look at the pictures people post in full-screen mode, ha ha) Per the title of the post - I just graduated from OSU with my undergrad and moved out to beautiful Golden, CO this past...