Caribou Gear Tarp

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  1. Griggs

    Had an interesting situation on Big Bo..

    Not entirely sure where to post this... Went scouting unit 10 (big bo ranch, specifically) this weekend with a buddy of mine. It was the opening weekend, and near as we could tell we were close to the first ones there for scouting, or at least very near to the first. Drove to check out a couple...
  2. Griggs

    Who else uses a tag as a purchase excuse?

    I drew for elk again this year after years of waiting, so I used it as an excuse to my wife to justify purchases I wanted anyway. I assume a lot of people do this. I used my follow on deer tag as another excuse, but I used the elk to justify to my wife finishing this rifle in 300WM. I was not...
  3. Griggs

    Elk droppings

    So I have searched and cannot find a thread talking about this, likely for good reason, either my google-fu and search-bar-fu isn't that great, or it hasn't been discussed yet, or there's no need... I am curious about the differences in male and female droppings. I have tracked a few, and have...
  4. Griggs

    This won’t be an issue, will it?

    I got hit for deer yesterday on my CC. Then checking AZGF portal, I saw this for the first time.... so I checked the follow on page.... I still have a copy of my valid license. I just don’t want it to somehow make me lose my drawing. Never had this happen to me (first time for...
  5. Griggs

    Preferred 300WM round

    So I’ve done a search, and if someone else finds a thread about this that I couldn’t find I would love the redirection... We all have our own preferences, but I was curious what everyone’s preferred 300WM round is for elk. Worked up your own load? Preferred COTS round? Etc. I’ve mainly been...
  6. Griggs

    Growing up in the Canadian arctic

    As I mentioned in a previous thread, which got me thinking and reading the good old days posts, about posting some of the pics from back then. My Dad passed away a few years ago, but he ended up spending over two decades living in the arctic, primarily with subsistence hunting. Our supplies came...
  7. Griggs

    At what age would you start your child?

    Hunting that is. I grew up hunting, since it was a way of life for us from when I was born. It was literally how we got our meat all year long, there wasn't really another feasible way. All supplies had to be ordered annually and they came on the barge with the icebreaker in the summer. I...
  8. Griggs

    My most recent AZ OTC elk trip...

    So my most recent scouting trip, I was doing the AZ OTC hunt. Spent years scouting the area, weekly trips, overnights, literally hundreds of miles hiking, trail cams all over the place, etc. I've taken a cow in this area before, and one spike, seen about a half dozen others. So I'm at the...
  9. Griggs

    Lion on my cam

    I've been trying to get this lion for two years now. I don't use hounds, but this lion has been really local, not going very far. Lots of deer and elk sign in the area, had it jump out of a tree about 20 yards in front of me nd run off one time. Another time it jumped out of a tree about 30...
  10. Griggs

    Another AZ new guy to the forum

    Hi everyone. New to the forum, obviously, I had been looking for a hunting forum to join and found this one. Grew up hunting in Canada years ago on the tundra, musk ox, caribou, etc. Over the years wound up in AZ and have been hunting there ever since.

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