PEAX Equipment

Search results

  1. OverlordBear

    Hunt the Female Big 3 or maybe never draw a tag

    So I am hunting planning and according to Gohunt I should be a able to draw 100% antlerless moose or a bighorn ewe tag in several units in Colorado. I am debating because the odds get longer and longer to draw a male tag. However it is a lot of money, but hunt opportunity and success is more...
  2. OverlordBear

    Hound hunt barter

    This is an offer out there for anyone who is a resident of the south east part, central or upper snake river side of Idaho who runs hounds. I am wondering if anyone would let me tag along on their hound hunts (i would be interested in either black bear or lion hunts) in exchange for my services...
  3. OverlordBear

    Cow moose, hunt of a lifetime (WITH Pictures lol)

    Once in a lifetime Cow Moose Hunt This is my first time completing a hunt report. Most people say that hunting cow moose is easy. This was far from my experience. I drew a cow moose tag and was one of five to draw this tag. I was fortunate because the hunting unit was only a half hour from my...
  4. OverlordBear

    How long does it take to the seal the deal archery elk

    Hello Hunttalkers I am left with two more days in the archery elk season that I can actually hunt and I am a bit discouraged. I have been archery elk hunting for six years and I have never killed or hit an elk. The first two years only saw elk from accidentally stumbling into them. Years three...
  5. OverlordBear

    Mountain Lion the other other white meat

    So I was just blessed to receive a roadkill mountain lion that was put down by a local deputy and I got a salvage permit from game and fish. It amazed me how pink the meat was. I showed my wife the removed back straps and she thought it was a pork tenderloin. I am super excited to see how it...
  6. OverlordBear

    First successful fishing day of the year

    Went out fishing in intermittent snow and sunshine this afternoon. Lost three roostertails to underwater log jams and rock but still managed to pull a 12 and 15 in rainbow hybrid out of the water. Fire up the oven surf is back on the menu. Saw a ton of mallards, geese and swans. Also saw a few...
  7. OverlordBear

    Offseason favorite Roadkill

    I don’t know about you guys but I am more successful with roadkill than I am with hunting. In my hunting career I have probably got one pound of roadkill for ever one pound of game meat that I hunted. I am wondering if any other Hunttalkers part take? The only reason my family has eaten moose...
  8. OverlordBear

    Cabelas and Bass pro shop merger always did stink.

    Examples like these are why people don’t believe in Capitalism anymore. We live in a global oligarchy governed by international corporations and their political cronies. The bailouts set the groundwork on how to legally steal billions from taxpayers. This also means I am done shopping at cabelas...
  9. OverlordBear

    Beau Batys Wyoming elk hunt

    Thank you Randy for giving us this video. It was incredible watching Beau get blessed on top of all of the hard work he does, it is a powerful story. The scenery was incredible and Beau is a great on camera talent. Hunt talk crew is probably by far the most humble and relatable group of video...
  10. OverlordBear

    Vasectomy vs Sheep Tag

    So my wife and I were talking and she told me that we had better odds of getting pregnant after my vasectomy than we did of winning the lottery. It got me thinking about odds which naturally made me think about sheep tags in the lower 48. I think the pregnancy rate after a vasectomy is 1 in 1000...
  11. OverlordBear

    How to become a dedicated wolf hunter????

    Hello everyone, I have been devouring all of Randy Newberg, Meat Eater and Solo Hunter material and have learned a lot. I harvested a nice muley this fall, but I saw as much predator sign as I did any deer or elk sign. I can hear wolves at night near my house and I live near Caribou Targhee...