Search results

  1. Bigjay73

    Walleye in Denver

    Although I've lived in Denver for 10 years, I haven't fished much around town, almost always in the mountains. I've recently caught my first walleye, and am obsessed with them. Between Aurora, cherry creek, Chatfield, Carter and Union reservoir, which is the best lake for quantity of walleye...
  2. Bigjay73

    Can someone explain?

    This thing better self reel, tie on lures and filet the fish
  3. Bigjay73

    "Wild" horses saved!!!

    The comments are what you would expect, uneducated views of what horses really mean to the ecosystem.
  4. Bigjay73

    Lightning strike northern Co

    Sad story, reminder to myself that lightning can be brutal...
  5. Bigjay73

    Lake Granby proposed changes

    May be interesting to anyone who fishes Granby
  6. Bigjay73

    Wyoming elk special NR draw

    Looks like, and I've only compared a dozen hunts, draw odds in the special weren't effected at all from the price hike. I couldn't be less surprised
  7. Bigjay73

    Theres good peeps in this world

    I love pronghorn more than any other species, huge thanks to this couple
  8. Bigjay73

    And then there's this ahole Unfuckingbelievable
  9. Bigjay73

    Great idea

    I feel bad for the guy and his dog, hope they're found alive, but sweet Jesus, how does anyone think that this is a good idea?
  10. Bigjay73

    Wolf in Elbert County Colorado, east of I25

    A loose pet? Wonder how many other "loose pets:" are roaming the west. How long would one last without being trained to hunt at a young age?
  11. Bigjay73

    Platte river issues

    Good article, hope more anglers take note and switch to barbless.
  12. Bigjay73

    I give up

    I'm trying really hard to be on board with climate change, but I'm between this and watching "Sacred Cow" I'm about to walk away and forget about it.
  13. Bigjay73

    School zones

    Do people in your city also speed through school zones, or is it just a Denver thing?
  14. Bigjay73

    Not a peep

    About OJ Simpson going to his reward. Guess his secrets died with him, not surprisingly. Good riddance
  15. Bigjay73

    Buying binos sucks

    In a good way, there's too many options these days. Trying to narrow down which brands alone is daunting, much less picking out a specific model. Unless you're dead set on the best glass out there, picking out a mid level pair in the $500-1000 range is tricky, for every 5 good reviews on a...
  16. Bigjay73

    Is anyone on the front range....

    ....waiting for a tree to come crashing through their roof? It's like Wyoming x10 out there
  17. Bigjay73

    Oregon opens new salmon fishery

  18. Bigjay73

    USFS going after Boulder County Public meeting Apr 23 for those who can make it
  19. Bigjay73


    Law was broken, but if the facts in the article are true, kinda feel for the guy. Either way, props to the officers for not giving a pass to an official.
  20. Bigjay73

    Modern Bison

    If bison had not been hunted by settlers and fur traders, what would their numbers look like today? Would cattle ranching and fencing have taken the same toll?