Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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    Mining Lease Near Boundary Waters Man, it seems like everyday at this point, bad news is coming out about public lands and their management. The last paragraph about the ties between the Trump family and the Chilean guy are...
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    Garmin Xero A1i sight This thread exploded on archerytalk, and I don't like weeding through the different bs on there. I know this will be illegal in a lot of western states, but aside from that and price, what do y'all think of this? It seems like if it works, it would be...
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    Interesting NC Deer Hunt

    Luckily, I have been getting out on public this year, and did this afternoon. Was happy with my set up, first time in this area hunting. I set up about 50 yards off a small lake cove, with good visibility along an oak and beech ridge. Right about 4:00, just as I was hoping deer would move, a...
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    North Carolina BHA Chapter and Pint Night

    Pretty stoked to announce that gears are moving on a North Carolina BHA Chapter, and we are kicking things off with a pint night in Raleigh! I know a couple of you are in the area, and I hope that you will come check it out! More pint nights will be coming soon in the western area of the state...
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    Nikon refurbishment

    Has anyone sent Nikon binos back to be reworked? I have a decent pair that is in pretty tough shape I would like to get refurbished, and was wondering on price and turn around type stuff. Thanks for input.
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    First lite Obsidian Pant

    Anybody here put the obsidian pant through the paces? I don't have a retailer close, but need some new early season pants for hot a humid NC archery season. Thanks for your input.
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    Bluetooth Knock Interesting concept for sure. What do y'all think? I know legality isn't there in some places for hunting, but should it be? Would this help recover lost animals that people would otherwise give up on?
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    New company supporting HSUS

    if you happen to be a fan of Tito's vodka, this might be a reason to reconsider. Frustrating when all these companies keep supporting what amounts to a lobbying group against ag and hunting...
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    Cam Hanes Meeting with Chaffetz

    From Cam's instagram and facebook: "To wrap up the day I pitched the “Federal Lands Transfer Facilitation Act” to @jasoninthehouse. This law has expired and needs to be reauthorized. He was impressed with my official proposal haha (actually these were my notes). Nonetheless, he's on board...
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    I am currently enjoying the newest episode. Two years ago I had a similar offer from my now father in law to head to the courthouse to marry his daughter and get a check. I tried and tried to convince her, to no avail... I still think about that money. Don't pass that opportunity if you can help...
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    More Popular media shedding light on the subject Glad to see a more popular and general audience media outlet getting the truth on the issue to all of...
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    NC Duck Permits

    Yet another year of not drawing. I'm beginning to think NC duck hunting is getting up there with a lot of western big game hunts. Luckily there is still public hunting available without permit. Anyone killed any ducks NC or otherwise yet this year?
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    Nebraska Elk Interesting story and a heck of a bull. Don't know much of anything about the elk situation in that state though. She looks hooked for life.
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    Looking forward to the day it happens in NC

    I'm sure it will be long odds when it does, but hopefully sooner rather than later a few tags will be issued in North Carolina
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    Hello from North Carolina

    Hey everybody, I am new to the site and wanted to start with my introduction. I am currently in school at NC State, working on my 3rd, and hopefully final.... Degree from there. I am from the central NC area originally and have grown up mostly privately land deer and terribly frustrating public...

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