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  1. T

    Timberline and Gertrude lakes

    Does anyone know if a guy can get into the alpine lakes over by Red Lodge yet. I was in there the week of Father's Day last year, but had a hunch that the snow they got that week this year probably meant it would be a no go.
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    Hey Big Fin

    Happy belated Saint Urho's Day. My students in Hardin didn't believe me until I showed them the web sites. This is in honor of all you Finlanders. Ode to Saint Urho by Gene McCavic and Richard Mattson Virginia, Minnesota Ooksi kooksi coolama vee Santia Urho is ta poy for me! He sase out ta...
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    You might only get your news from Fox If:

    DISCLAIMER: This is intended to be somewhat light hearted, so please don't get butt hurt over it. I also invite anyone to do MSNBC threads (or replies to this thread) because while I know what confirmation bias is, I don't necessarily recognize it in myself:p Some signs you might only get your...
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    Poaching Your Hard Work

    Big Fin, I have been seeing your video's pop up in my feed, but they are on some other guys channel. Is this another instance of your work being poached by others? I wanted to watch the video's so I went to my subscriptions and scrolled down till I found them. I have to say, yours is one of the...
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    If it was you?

    So this morning I was sitting in my tree stand when a pheasant hunter came walking in. I asked if he had had any luck yet, and he hadn't. Now the area is about 100 acres between some private land and the river, and tends to be a pinch point. Instead of walking 20 yards out to the road and coming...
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    Hazing Elk off of Public Land

    Yesterday I went up to Ryegate to buy a jeep, and in the course of the conversation I mentioned that I had been hunting near there two weeks ago. The rancher I was buying the jeep from asked if I had seen anything. I told him I had seen where a lot of them were, but found no new sign in the...
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    308 or 7mm 08

    I am looking for a rifle for my 16 yr old. I am leaning toward a Ruger American or an Axis II. I had a sales man recommend the 7mm 08, but I am not real keen on the price of the ammo, and since it is based on the 308, why not just get that? If I did go with the 7mm, I could use the same bullets...
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    MT Unit 411 or 530?

    I can't decide if I want to hunt elk in the Little Snowies or the Big Snowies. I will be archery hunting and am planning on burning my 2 personal days on the 22nd and 23rd. I was in unit 411 last April and saw some sign, but how crowded does it get? I also went in to 530 while there was still...
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    Short Rant to Make Me Feel Better

    So last night I was in my deerstand at a fishing access site/wma and right at prime time four or 5 different people decided to drive through. One guy was spinning his wheels and revving his engine as he drove down the gravel road. The doe that was casually feeding down the tree line and would...
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    Yellowstone WMA near Pompey's Pillar

    I was looking around in there yesterday, and only saw two juvenile pheasants. There is a lot of habitat enhancement going on in there too. Does this area get hammered pretty hard during the season, and how practical is it to hunt there without a dog?
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    Shoot for the Cure

    If anyone is near Townsend MT tomorrow you should got to the Shoot for the Cure 3-d shoot. I could only do one day, but it was an awesome time, and best of all my whole family got involved (although the wife only walked with us). I told my wife that I could die now, cuz my life was complete.
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    7 mm mag 139 gr Hornady BTSP

    I have worked up a load for my Rem 7 mm mag using these 139 grain BTSP interlock bullets that seems to perform pretty well as far as accuracy goes. I have no question about using them on white tails or muleys, but what about elk? I am not a long range shooter. Our gun club range only goes out to...
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    I'm a lousy dad

    Tonight I managed to talk my 19 year old son into going to Koyamas Pond with me. I bought a kayak and we wanted to try it out, and since I bought him a fishing license to go with his deer tag, I convinced him to do a little fishing with me. To my horror, I had not taken him fishing enough for...
  14. T

    Montana Elk Unit 412

    I am new to Montana and this will be my first year elk hunting. In the regs it says that HD 412 is open to antlerless elk starting August 15. I have a map of the region, and there is quite a bit of BLM land in that unit, but it looks pretty steep. Since I teach for a living, this is probably the...
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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