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    SCOTUS signals interest in taking a look at Antiquities Act (Monuments)

    In dismissing a different case Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts made a rare statement of interest in the Antiquities Act. “Somewhere along the line, however, this restriction has ceased to pose any meaningful restraint,” he wrote. “A statute permitting the President in his sole discretion to...
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    A Tale of Trespass

    This story struck me wrong, from early on to all the way through so I thought I'd post it and other can get all pissed too, or maybe not. It's a story of private land so it doesn't rightly belong clogging up the branch here called Public Land where many deserving threads are discussed. This is...
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    Mountain Bikes and Grizzly Bears on Public Lands

    I saw this in the NYT yesterday the article begins with a hook to that fatality of a mountain biking Forest Service Ranger and branches out from there to encompas different forms of recreation on public lands and their...
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    Wolves in Colorado (officially soon)

    Today governor Jared Polis posted a wolf photo in Jackson County and a presumed sighing in Grand County. I think the photo appeared a while ago actually on "I Hunt Colorado" facebook group. Not sure how to embed a link to facebook, looked like a wolf to me, Polis also wrote...... Can you spot...
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    Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act Passes

    This passed the senate a couple weeks ago on a voice vote, and just passed the house. What it does....... "S. 94 would provide flexibility to state fish and wildlife agencies by reducing the state and local fund match requirement...
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    Outside Article on RMEF and Public Lands I didn't see this posted here yet.
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    Congress Changes Rules To Ease Sales of Lands

    According to a just published article in Wapo. I think the practical significance is it makes it easier to sell off land. Land sales...
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    Lurker sticks his head out to say hi

    I lurk here, mostly to keep abreast of issues hunting in the Rocky Mountain states. This blog is a great resource. I usually have elk and deer in the freezer but the only bull I've gotten was a calf without horns I shot on the quick thinking it was a cow. I'd hesitate to call myself a meat...
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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