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  1. C

    5.7 Quake this morning in SLC

    Gave us a pretty good jolt, some power outages and minor damage downtown. Excellent timing with all the CV-19 madness. Be safe out there!
  2. C

    Find a Way

    I know Hush is a bit polarizing, but this is pretty dang cool! Nice to see a Big Fin cameo.
  3. C

    Santa Claus

    It's getting to be the time of year that my wife starts wanting to get Christmas for the kids in order (I know, crazy Halloween isn't even done yet). I've got a 4 year old boy who has more toys than he knows what to do with and I cringe at the thought of adding more junk (with little to no...
  4. C

    Loading Bullets One at a Time

    I've seen a number of hunting videos where the shooter loads a bullet in one at a time for follow up shots rather than cycling them in with the bolt from the magazine. Usually the shooter is prone and a lot of times it is a long range show, but I've also seen on shows that aren't long range...
  5. C

    Guided Hunts--when would or have you done them?

    Given the Hunt Talk community is largely a public land, do it yourself bunch--I'm interested to know under what scenarios you have or would go on a guided hunt. I've gone guided as a gift a few times. While still enjoyable it wasn't as fun a doing it on my own. I never have, but would like to...
  6. C

    Wild game consumed in your home

    If your family is eating meat in your home (not out to eat), what is the likelihood that it is wild game? I'm only a one or two tag a year guy, and my wife doesn't love the idea of wild game--so I'm probably in the lowest category. I often end up sharing with friends and eating it myself.
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    Pronghorn Scoring

    I read or hear very little on Hunt Talk and Fresh Tracks about the score of most animals (deer, elk, sheep, etc.) It is generally more about age or maturity of the animal which is great. There are plenty of places to talk about score. With that said, Pronghorn seem to be the one animal that...
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    CDS Dial Redemption, Does it Expire?

    Do these ever expire? What is the longest you've waited to redeem your included custom dial?
  9. C

    Re-whitening a Euro Skull

    I've got a couple euro mounts that I had done 5-7 years ago that look pretty good, but aren't as white as some others that I see around. They have a slight yellow to them instead of bright white. Has anyone successfully re-whitened a skull long after the original bleaching was done? If so, do...
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    Ask Fin?

    Hey Big Fin, love the show(s) and what a great representative of the hunting community you are. You've really developed a great brand, and I've learned a lot from following you. You've always be great to share the details of the show, your planning, etc., and I thought it would be fun have a...
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    Yellowstone Tourists Continue to Impress Another Yellowstone tourist story....
  12. C

    Evening Hunts/Kills

    I realize each hunt is different, but I am curious what your standard procedures are for kills that happen in the evening—specifically right before dark. Historically, most of the kills I’ve been a part of took place on morning hunts. Good light makes for great pictures, meat care, caping...
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    Question for Big Fin - Gila Elk Episode

    Randy- Been traveling for work, and just got around to the Gila Elk episode from last week. My question/comment is regarding punching your tag right after you wounded that bull. I commend you and don't disagree at all morally/ethically with your decision to punch a your tag once an animal has...
  14. C

    Madison Valley (MT) Whitetails?

    Hey there, first-time poster, long-time lurker. Love the site, and the TV show. I’ve never killed a Whitetail, and I think it is about time (only hunted Mule Deer and Elk). I spend at least every other Thanksgiving in Island Park, and cross the divide over to the Madison to fish quite a bit...