PEAX Equipment

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  1. BillyGoat

    Boulder-White Clouds NM?

    What are your thoughts on this proposal? Maybe I missed it, but it's not clear to me what monument designation would mean exactly as compared to wilderness designation other than motorcycle, snowmobile &...
  2. BillyGoat

    Idaho SB1256 Auction Tags

    This was brought up again in the Idaho Legislation thread, but I thought it deserved attention of its own. The bill was recently amended. If I understood correctly, the following key changes were made: 1. The number of tags were reduced to 3 each for elk/deer/pronghorn plus 1 each for...
  3. BillyGoat


    Took the wife and kids over to Boise's Foothills Learning Center the other day to watch a presentation by Carter Niemeyer, retired wolf biologist and professional trapper. I think I may have been the only hunter in the audience. He said he was in Jackson, WY, the week before and it was a much...
  4. BillyGoat

    Barn Sour

    Moosie, was this your kid? If so, congrats to him. How come he can run fast and kill big bucks and you do neither? :D
  5. BillyGoat

    Anyone know what this is?

    Photo taken south of Boise...
  6. BillyGoat

    High Uintas Trifecta

    With the season just around the corner, I've been pondering lately where to go to kick things off this year and realized I never put together any pictures from last year's opening hunt. Hope you enjoy.... I spent three days in the High Uintas Wilderness for the first time with my german...
  7. BillyGoat

    Sage Grouse Listing

    The following announcement was made yesterday. Will this affect hunting of these birds at all in the near future? Weren't they already a candidate species?
  8. BillyGoat

    Idaho Chukar & Huns Reg Changes

    From today's Statesman...
  9. BillyGoat

    Couple of More Firsts

    I've hunted columbian sharptails twice in CO, striking out both times. The first time I hunted for two days, found only one lone bird, shot it, and then proceeded to lose it, which quite frankly ruined that hunt. The second time was a couple years later for another two days and again we got into...
  10. BillyGoat

    Himalayan Snowcock (long & pic heavy)

    A "super chukar" trip has been on my mind for a few years now, but knowing that it's not exactly a dog-friendly hunt, I had been putting it off until my aging shorthair, Tucker, could no longer run and I would not feel guilty leaving him home. Well the other day I said to myself, "Screw it...
  11. BillyGoat

    Anti-Crepuscular Rays

    I hadn't ever witnessed this before. While driving back through Yellowstone, we noticed the sky opposite the sun looked unusual. I thought it was some kind of alien activity :D but turned out to be anti-crepuscular rays -- crepuscular rays from the sun that appear to reconverge at the anti-solar...
  12. BillyGoat

    Montana Goats

    Spent some time in the Beartooths last week. Wow. We didn't see too many critters, but I did have a chance to photograph some goats. Enjoy...
  13. BillyGoat

    Boise River Bucks

    I was kayaking the river early Sunday morning and came around a corner to find these guys at the water's edge. I've seen deer before paddling these stretches, but never a buck this big. His buddy is looking a little freakish.
  14. BillyGoat

    Russia investigates helicopter hunt for rare goats

    Is this a trophy Argali "goat" in the picture? Hahaa :D
  15. BillyGoat

    Some Forest Grouse Pics

    I am going to start bringing a slingshot along on deer & elk hunts... or maybe that blowgun I bought back in junior high that I used to shoot my sisters with in the back of the head while they watched TV. :D But I don't see any mention of those in the regs. I had some wicked little darts for it...
  16. BillyGoat

    Snow Chickens

    Forgot about these pics I took on my CO trip but they probably deserve their own thread anyway. Ran into them three times between 12,500' and 13,500'. Two birds here
  17. BillyGoat

    Random Pics

    Haven't posted any photos lately. Here are some shots in no particular order from ID, WA, OR, and CO in the last six months. Enjoy...
  18. BillyGoat

    Polar bear added to endangered species list

    Can't polar bears be legally hunted in some countries even if you are not an Inuit?
  19. BillyGoat


    What's your opinion on official wilderness designations? Do we need more, need less, or have an appropriate amount in the lower 48?
  20. BillyGoat

    Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

    Anyone here a member? What do you think of this organization?

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